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French Revolution

  • The Enlightenment.

    The enlightenment period made people think for themselves. They started to think maybe we don't need to be ruled by one absolute leader ( king ).
  • What was France like?

    France was extremely poor. Debt from American Revolution and 7 years war drains French wealth. French people are starving and want to do something to change it.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    3rd estate = National Assembly of france is not allowed to meet because King Louis XVI locked the door to the meeting room. Causing them to meet in an indoor tennis court. The oath stated: They will be members untill a constitution of realm is created inorder to restore public order.
  • Bastille

    Angry and starving mostly members of the third estate storm the bastille where 7 prisoners are let free and the people gain weapons to fight and revot against the king.
  • Declaration.

    Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen.
  • Women March

    Rumors of Marie Antoinette hoarding grain upset many starving women. Armed peasant women stormed into versailles forcing the king and queen to move to Paris.
  • House Arrest

    King Louis and his wife are forced into Paris and live in the Tweeleries where they are pretty much on house arrest while the National Assembly is drafting a new constitution
  • The escape...Kinda.

    King louis and his wife dress as servants to try to escape from house arrest in Paris. They are caught at the border and arebrought back to Paris. His people see this as him saying he his stepping down from the thrown.
  • Champ de Mars

    Jacobians ( people who want a republic- no king at all) are trying to get people to sign a petition for a republic. It turns into a "massacre" and 50 people are killed.
  • Constitution created.

    Louis accepts the new constitution ( constitutional monarchy) drafted by the national assembly.
  • WAR

    France declares war on Austria. Win/win situation for louis. If h wins he will be more popular and receive wealth from other countries. If he loses Austria will just put Louis back in power.
  • Prussia

    Prussia helps Austria with the war. The duke of brunswick leader of the Prussians originates the Brunswick Manifesto. He intended to over throw teh revolutionary and institute King in france. This upsets Jacobians, they storm Tuleris, where teh king is on house arrest and imprison the king and queen. The assembly declares a republic.
  • Valmy

    The statement at Valmy leads to a new constitution.
  • DEAD

    National Assembly executed Louis XVI.
  • War

    National Assembly declare war on Britian and the Dutch Republic. Levee en masse ( draft) allows France to have a very strong army about 1 million.
  • Committe of Public Safety

    De facto government = Committe of public safety lead my Maximillion Robespierre.
  • Reign of terror

    16,000 guillotined almost 40,000 in all were killed who spoke against teh revolution.
  • Thermidonum Reacation

    Robespiere starts to be exactly what he was fight against and this causes him to be killed.