French revolution 2

French Revolution

  • Estates General covened by King

    Estates General covened by King
    King Louis XVI called for a meeting of all the estates to propose solutions for finantial problems within the French government. This then resulted in the third estate forming themselves into a national assembly. This was the outbreak of the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    After being locked out of a meeting of the Estates-General, members of the third estate met on a tennis court in Versailles. They then vowed together to never break apart until a new French constitution was adopted. This forced the King towards a change.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A large crowd armed with muskets, swords and other weapons surrounded the Bastille. At first, it was said by one of the defenders, Bernard-Jordan de Launay that there would be no bullets fired and no bloodshed. However, this quickly became wrong when the rioters attacked and the defenders were forced to defend. Eventually, the rioters won and Launay surrendered and was arrested.
  • National Assembly decrees Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    National Assembly decrees Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    This was a declaration of articles that outlined a new form of government where rights were granted to the common people, taking some power from the king.
  • National Assembly decrees abolition of feudalism

    National Assembly decrees abolition of feudalism
    A document with 19 different articles declared within it. It was created because of the chaos and misery that had been happening and it set out to stop abuse of all kinds.
  • Women's March for Bread to Versailles

    Women's March for Bread to Versailles
    Woman began nearly rioting one morning over the price and demand of bread. The group became larger and the women mobbed, searching for weapons while marching to the royal palace at Versailles. Successfully, they pressed their demands upon the King and changed the unbalance in social class.
  • Abolition of nobility and titles

    Abolition of nobility and titles
    The nobility, and all it's privileges were abolished. There would no more be titles of Prince, Marquis, Lord, Noble, etc. Everyone must be addressed by the real name of their family, not highness, grace, or Excellency.
  • Black citizen of French colonies granted equal rights

    Black citizen of French colonies granted equal rights
    In February 1794, the National Assembly issued the Universal Emancipation decree, freeing all colonial slaves. Supporting this, was The Society of the Friends of the Blacks (Société des amis des Noirs or Amis des noirs), a group of predominately white men and women abolitionists.
  • Beginning of legislative Assembly

    Beginning of legislative Assembly
    The legislative Assembly was divided into two groups. Most of the first group were members of the bourgeoisie and others of the second group were mostly of the Jacobin club. It is said that many of the 745 members lacked political experience.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    After being imprisoned since August of the same year, it was finally voted that King Louis XVI be executed. On January 21, 1792, he was executed by guillotine.
  • Jacobin masses storm the Tuileries Palace, massacring the Swiss Guard, and the King imprisoned

    Jacobin masses storm the Tuileries Palace, massacring the Swiss Guard, and the King imprisoned
    A crowd of people were going to attack the King, but King Louis XVI fled with his family for safety. Intending to put protection under the legislative Assembly, he was arrested and imprisoned instead.
  • Committee of Public Safety established

    Committee of Public Safety established
    This reformed the government in France during a point in the revolution known as the Reign of Terror. With war in mind, this attempted to protect the republic from rebellions within the republic as well as attacks from foreign areas.
  • Beginning of the Reign of Terror

    Beginning of the Reign of Terror
    When the French revoluton entered its phase of political conflict between the Girondins and the Jacobins. This period of terror like others was usually settled by guillotine. The Law of Suspects allowed the creation of tribunals to execute anyone who disagree with the French Republic.
  • End of the Reign of Terror

    End of the Reign of Terror
    Robespierre was overthrown by the Naional Convention after being the leader of the Committee of Public Safety. He is then arrested and executed, ending the phase known as The Reign of Terror.
  • Creation of the Directorate

    Creation of the Directorate
    A group of directors that had executive power over France. They were in control of giving out jobs to people and there were two bodies of the legislative branch.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte named "First Consul," now the effective dictator.

    Napoleon Bonaparte named "First Consul," now the effective dictator.
    Napoleon took control of France and then stepped into his rule as the leader of the country. Because of Bonaparte's new leadership, there was a better organization of the French army.
  • Napoleon consecrated as Emperor

    Napoleon consecrated as Emperor
    Napoleon Bonaparte was named emperor of France, he slowly rose to power and achieved many things. He became very successful and changed many things in France.