French revolution 2

French revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    One of the first events of the revolution was a meeting that the nobility pressed king louis to call. The estates-general set up a meeting and they changed the voting rules.
  • Creation of the National Assembly

    They proclaimed themselves a legislature, the national assembly with the right to make laws for france.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    A mob of parisians went to the bastile, an ancient prision, looking for weapons. In the past, the french government imprisoned people at the bastille who spoke against the monarchy. The mob killed the commander, stuck his head on a long stick, and paraded it through the streets.
  • Declaration of the Rights of man and of the Citizen

    The Declaration laid out the basic principles of the french revolution liberty, equality, fraternity, and brotherhood. The document stated that all men are born equal and remain equal before the law.
  • Creation of the National Convention

    The National Convention had to provide a new consitution for the country after the over throw of the monarchy. The struggles between two opposing revolutionary factions, the montagnards and the girondins took over the first phase of the convention. The national convention got rid of the king.
  • Execution of the King

    The king of france was Louis XVI. He often found himself overwhelmed by events beyond his control. He did not have much power as a king. People were not happy that he was the king so they got angry. The mob forced the imprisonment of Louis and his family.
  • Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was a series of accusations, trails, and executions. The Reign of Terror was creating a wave of fear throughout the country. Guillotin was often used on enimies of the revoulution.
  • Coup d, Etat

    In the Coup d, Etat Napoleon takes power in France after overthrowing the Directory, which overthrew the committiee of Public Safety to end the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.