French revolution major causes 1

French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath stated that the deputies would not stop meeting until a constitution was made. This was the first act of defiance after being locked out of the Estates General. This was a significant oath because it led to the birth of the National Assembly. Also, it led to the realization that they could defy the king, sparking revolution and the spread of revolutionary ideas.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a prison where people were tortured and killed by hires of the aristocrats, serving as a symbol of horror. The people of the Revolution needed gunpowder stored at Bastille, wished to rid of this symbol, and were angered by the firing of Jacques Necker, sparking the storming of Bastille, that had been long desired. The prison was stormed, tearing it down and killing the guarsds. This was the first fight of the Revollution, started the beheading tradition and sparks more riots.
  • Attacks on prisons

    Attacks on prisons
    The prisons of this time consisted of anyone suspected to be not truly in favor of the Revolution. Marat put out a call to slaughter all of these political prisoners, as Austria was approaching, leading to the attacks on prisons. The revolutionaries killed every inmate, killing 1600 in just one day. This was significant because it spread a bad imae of France to the rest of the world. It also led to Robspierre taking power in order to fix the lack of organization within the Revolution.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was created by the National Assembly, but Louis was eventually forced to sign it. It rid of social classes and said that all people were equal. Finally, it encouraged people to take their equality back. This was a signficant document because it represented the National Assembly taking power, and encouraged people to fight for what they believed in, further sparking revolution.
  • March to Versailles

    March to Versailles
    The March to Versailles consisted of women protesting the increaced price of bread, by marching to the Palace at Versailles. There were also rumors of more troops coming to Paris, conspiring against the Revolution, further enraging these women. The women wished to have the royals move to Paris, and kill Marie Antoinette. This was significant because the royals were forced to move to Paris, causing them to be prisoners of the Revolution. This was the turning point of the royals losing power.
  • Louis's Trial

    Louis's Trial
    Robspierre was now the leader, and decided to put Louis on trial. The moderatues called for the sparing of Louis, but the Jacobins wouldn't have this. It was believed that if the king was right or spared, the Revolution was wrong. Louis was found guilty of treason during war, leading to his beading. This was significant because it was the official end of monarchy, and proved the Revolution to be vicotrious. Also, the young French Republic was born out of this, since the monarchy was over.
  • The Terror

    The Terror
    Although the Reign of Terror is a terrible time in the history of France, it did successfully bring the country together. During this time, the country was filled iwht police spies who killed anyone against the Revolution. This led to much paranoia and distrust. French people were living in fear, as anything could get you killed. Robspierre had taken power, and become a huge proponent of the death penalty. The time of terror reinstated censorship and caused many to question the Revolution.
  • Robespierre's Death

    Robespierre's Death
    Robespierre claimed he had a list of people who must be killed but refused to tell who was on this list, leading to even more terror. This was the breaking point, leading to his arrest, and eventual death. During his arrest, he attempted suicide, but failed. He was later left to be criticized but due to a jaw injurty, he couln't respond. This death was signficant because it the reign of terror and the blood shed that came with it.