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French Revolution

By Njay98
  • Louis XVI is crowned 1774

    Louis XVI is crowned 1774
    Louis XVI was born on August 23, 1754, in the Palace of Versailles. His birth name was Louis Auguste de France, he was given the title Du de Berry signifying his junior status in the French Court. On May 10, 1774, Louis became Louis XVI since he was crowned king of France. Only 20 years old at the time, but has a dream to be a good king. Unfortunately he faced enormous debt and uprising estates of government
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  • Estates General

    Estates General
    The Estates General was an assembly that contained 3 estates from France. The first being the clergy, the second being the nobility, and the third estate was everyone else. The estates have gotten called to fix a tax issue in france during the reign of Louis XVI
  • National Assembly was created

    National Assembly was created
    It was a transitional body between the Estates-General and the National Constituent Assembly. This body has passed many declarations and acceptances from the public
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate was locked out of its meeting room as a meeting of all three estates was about to happen. Confused outraged, the estate met at an indoor tennis court on the palace grounds and signed an oath not to disband until they had made a new and fair constitution for France.
  • Necker is fired

    Necker is fired
    In 1781, Necker published a text called "Compte rendu au roi" where he criticized the royal family personal spending. This letter shocked the French citizens and Louis XVI fired Necker. Necker became extremely popular and Louis XVI had no other choice but to re-hire him in August 1788. Necker bothered the king to call the Estates General meeting to solve the financial crisis.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    Bastille was a prison for political people. On this day, the public of france went to bastille and armed themselves with weapons to march down to versailles and fight for their rights. In the process of all this 96 people of the angry mob died and 50 guards and a governor died on the other side.
  • The "Great Fear"

    The "Great Fear"
    The great fear was when the people of france were frightened after hearing rumors of the government and bandits burning crops to control the population of france. This causing the public to riot and fight for what is theirs.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    The declaration claims out the basic principles of the French Revolution and was inspired by the doctrine of natural right.There were three main principle; liberty, equality, and brotherhood.The document stated that all men were born equal and remain equal before the law. However these rights did not extend to women.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    This was a day when women of france marched to versailles to complain about the high price of bread. They were doing the jobs of being a mother since their children were hungry and no mother wants to see their children starving.
  • Constituotoin of 1791

    Constituotoin of 1791
    The new Constitution was made a few years after the Tennis Court Oath. Only citizens who were male and paid taxes were able to vote. About two thirds of the male citizens were able to vote. The monarch had only some powers. He could temporarily stop legislation with a post veto, but he could not veto anything permanently. He had no control of the army, or any authority over local government. He had no voice in the legislative branch.
  • Declaration of War against Austria

    Declaration of War against Austria
    On April 20, 1792, the Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria. The armies became more successful as the war progressed. They beileved this would bring back the old regime. Revolutionaries wanted war because they thought war would unify the country, and have an effect to spread the ideas of the Revolution to all of Europe.
  • Paris Commune

    Paris Commune
    The Paris Commune was the government of Paris at the time. It was controlled by the sans-culottes and the radicals. The sans-culottes wanted to continue the revolution and work toward a more direct democracy and more control over the price of bread . Although the Jacobins did not completely agree with the views of the sans-culottes, they would do anything to gain power over France
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    The National Convention was chosen in an election and to produce a new constitution. The National Convention opened on September 21,1792 and declared France a republic. King Louis XVI was put on trial for betraying the country. The National Convention found him guilty and voted for the death penalty.
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    National Convention

    The National Convention was chosen in an election and to produce a new constitution. The National Convention opened on September 21,1792 and declared France a republic. King Louis XVI was put on trial for betraying the country. The National Convention found him guilty and voted for the death penalty.
  • The Execution of Louis XVI

    The Execution of Louis XVI
    Due to his failure on being a king, King Louis XVI was trialed for high treason and was later executed on that day. The King was not clever or had the abillity to rule, Therefore, when the monarchy fell, King Louis XVI got beheaded on a guillotine.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    It was a group made during the "Reign of Terror". It's purpose was to protect the new established republic against foreign attacks and internal rebellion. It was formed as a group to watch and view the work of the executive bodies of the Convention. As the committee got more involved in the prtecction of france and in counter-revoltuionary groups, it became more and more powerful.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror was caught in a period of dictatorship, which was ruled under Maximilien Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety. The Reign of Terror lasted approximately 10 months and ended with the deaths of many committee members, including Robespierre. The committee and its leaders took the lives of over 18,500 to 40,000 people while in power, and due to the fall of the Committee of Public Safety, the end of the Reign of Terror considered to most the start of the Revolution.
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    Reign of Terror

    Time period when France was under control of slaughtering political radicals and the Committee of Public Safety
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
    French people hated the Queen for her Austrian birth and her expensive taste. Marie Antoinette was called Madame Deficit and & blame was placed on her for the country's financial problems. As she grew, she started spending less. She tried to change her image by wearing simple gowns and posing for portraits with her children, but her efforts had little effect on the public. In October, she was given a mock trial, as was her husband. Marie was convicted of treason and sentenced to be guillotine.
  • Death of Robespierre

    Death of Robespierre
    Robespierre was banned from the National Convention. He was then placed under house arrest. On July 28, he was executed on the very machine that would soon become the bloody regime , "The Reign of Terror". Robespierre was accused of treason and dictatorship he had raised a Revolution of the people that would come to murder him and indeed create their on fate. He tried to give a speech to redeem himself but failed and then tried to commit suiced also failing. Got guillotined in Paris after.
  • Constitution of 1795

    Constitution of 1795
    It was a national constitution of France made by the National Convention on 22 August 1795. It established the Directory, and remained in effect until the coup of 18 Brumaire ended the Revolution and began the ascendancy of Napoleon Bonaparte.