French rev

French Revolution

By memay18
  • The Estates General

    The Estates General
    The Third Estate which was mainly made up of the poor class called the bourgeouise; demanded that all three estates meet together. The third estate wanted to discuss issues of taxes and reforming the govenment to fit enlightenment ideas. This was an important event because the third estate finally stands up and demands that they have a voice.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    After weeks and months of debate the third Estate shows up to negoitate and vote with the Second and First Estate only to find themselves locked out of the hall. Instead of acting defeated the Third Estae goes into the Tennis Courts and pledged that they would not leave until there was a new consitution made. This made a huge impact on the French Revolution because now the Third Estae had a voice and was demanding respect in everyway possible.
  • The Storming of Bastille

    The Storming of Bastille
    Angry citizens who are a part of the third estate storm the large prison of Bastille. Ripping down stones and punding down doors, once inside they take ewapons and murder various prison gaurds. This is a huge area on importance because July 14th is now Frances independence day, and actual fighting had now taken place.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • A Limited Monarchy

    A Limited Monarchy
    In September of 1791 the Natinoal Assembly created a new constitution that stripped the Kigs and Nobles of much of their power. The King reluctanlty agreed. And a new consitution was created, people now had the power to creat laws. This was an important event because the Natioanl Assembly now was making moves closer to freedom, and they had created a somewhat fair constitution.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    This was a ten month period during the French Revolution where thousands or people were put to death with use of a guillotined. Robspierre was thought to be a voice of the people but when he came to power he ruled as a cruel dictator and killed anyone who did not support his goverment. This was a cruvial part of the Revolution because it showed people that they had to be careful who came to power because one person can turn bad if they have to much power.
  • Napoleon seizes power

    Napoleon seizes power
    Napolean came to power just when France need it. When the National Convention was in confusion he and his army came in a scared away the attackers. He became kknown as the many who saved the French Republic, this is important because this started the reign of a dictator and empoeror who was one of the most important to rule France.
  • Napolean declared Emperor

    Napolean declared Emperor
    After many years of ruling the French army and being head of the French goverment, Napolean is finally declared emperor. He had spent years working with the French army to conqueor and overthrow countries in order to get there land. He made the French Empire huge and was known as the voice of the people. This was important because now Napolean was a full dictator.
  • The Continental System

    The Continental System
    In order to make Europe more sefl-sufficent and in hopes to cut off Great Britian, Napolean set up the Continental System. This was a blockade that did not allow trade between Great Britian or European Countries. Smugglers were able to get around this in some areas and some of Napoleans own allies continued to buy goods from England. this is important because it begins to show the flaws in some of Napoleans work
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    One of Napoleans most costly mistake was his invasion of Russia. In his attempts to conqueor and capture all of Europe Napolean was going after Russia, little did he know how cruel and harsh the Russian winter was, unable to take his troops and army gear any farther he had to turn back and retreat. This showed that Napolean and his army was weakening, they could no longer hold their own against new countries, enemy countries started to take advantage of France's weakness.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    After Napolean was exiled to Elba, but after hearing of how unpopular the king was he quickly escaped. On returning to France he was welcomed by the French people, but France's eneimies quickly assembled and declared war on France. The great powers all came against the French army and defeated Napolean and his army. This was the last and final miltary act of Napolean, and is important because it marks the final defeat and end to Napoleans reign.