Storming of the bastille

French Revolution

By minora
  • France racks up debt

    France racks up debt
    France builds a huge debt by aiding the US in our Revolutionary War. They spent 50% of the national budget trying to pay this off.
  • Starvation

    The people of France are starving because taxes are so high. King Louis and his court are not. Tensions rise between the classes because of this difference.
  • Estates-General

    A session of the Estates-General is called by Louis XVI to discuss tax plans.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    After being locked out of their meeting room, the 3rd Estate, now called the National Assembly of France, meets in an indoor tennis court and swears an oath that says they will not seperate until they have a constitution.
  • Drafting the New Government

    The NA (National Assembly) appoints 30 members to draft a new constitution. They also form a standing commitee and a militia.
  • Lucie Storms the Bastille!!!

    Lucie Storms the Bastille!!!
    Just kidding. It was the National Assembly who, after feeling threatened by Louis armed troops in the city, take the Bastille prison. They gain many guns through this. The NA then chopped off the Governor's head and placed it on a pike.
  • Equality for Most

    The NA announced the end of feudalism and serfdom in France.
  • New Declaration

    New Declaration
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was published by the NA.
  • Women's March

    Women's March
    Parisian women marched upon the royal family at Versailles and demanded their bread because a rumor had started that Marie Antoinette was hoarding grain. They moved Louis from Versailles to Paris and effectively put him under house arrest.
  • Louis tries to escape

    Louis tries to escape
    Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are returned to Paris after trying to escape to the French countryside.
  • Fulfillment of the Oath

    Fulfillment of the Oath
    The NA finally completes a constitution effectively making France a constitutional monarchy and fulfilling the Tennis Court Oath.
  • War

    France declares war on Austria because the "Holy Roman Empire" and Prussia issue a declaration that states that they will return France to a monarchy.
  • Introducing the National Convention

    Introducing the National Convention
    Whilst fighting a war with both Austria and Prussia, the NA forgets to deal with France's brokeness. The Jacobins then hold a secret convention and have the first meeting of the NC (National Convention. In this meeting, the Jacobins declare France a republic.
  • End of the Monarchy

    End of the Monarchy
    King Louis XVI is put to death through the guillotine. This causes war with, not only Prussia and Austria, Great Britain, Spain, the Netherlands and Portugal.
  • Feeding the Hungry

    The Sans-Cullote, starving peasants, and the Jacobins create a solution to solve hunger. They devise a government regulated food plan which fails so they march to the country side, of France, and steal food from their own peasants. These plans were lead by the Committee for Public Safety, which was headed by Maxmillian Robespierre.
  • Drafting the Public

    A National Draft was issued, demanding that all men enlist in France's army.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Government sentenced 40,000 people to the guillotine. These people included clergy, nobles, revolutionaries, peasants, Robespierre's enemies, and the innocent.
  • Robespierre beheaded

    Robespierre beheaded
    After a year of paranoid beheadings, Robespierre was arrested and guillotined. He had managed to eliminate all other Jacobin leaders and was the last victim of the Reign of Terror.
  • Disbanding of the Committee

    After trying to change France's clocks, the Committee for Public Safety was disbanded and a new Constitution was put in place.
  • Period: to

    France and Directors

    France is run by a group of Directors who solve nothing and do not help the government. France is still hungry and broke. The only institution that the people had confindence in was the military because of its new found strength, caused by the draft.
  • End of the French Revolution

    End of the French Revolution
    Napoleon Bonaparte seizes control of France from the Directors. This ends the French Revolution and takes the government of France from one supreme leader (Louis) to another (Napoleon).