french Revo. Timeline

  • Tennis Court Oath

  • Calling of the Estates Genral

    Louis XIV gave demands to the nobility and called the estates general to meet in may because the parliament refused to register the tax on all three estates.
  • The Storming of the Bestile

    800 french citizens storm in to protect paris against massing royal troops
  • National Assembly

    There was a dissagreement between the three estates on which way to vote. The third estate wished to have a "vote by head" and the first and second estates wanted to "vote by bloc".
  • The Great Fear

  • Robespierre is Executed

    A highley influential supporter of the jacobins, is executed and the power of the jacobins falls with him.
  • The Declaration of the rights of man and citizen

    The declaration is drawn and outlines equality and independence for all men under the state. woman and slaves were not covered under this declaration.
  • Royal Family Tries To leave

    King Louis XIV tries to leave france and go to austria because of the ipheaval in france. One of the guards recognized him at the border and they had him arrested and taken back to france.
  • King Louis XVI is Executed

    After being put on trial in august of 1792 on january 17 the King is condenmed to death by guillotine on charges of "consiparacy against liberty"
  • The Directory Comes into Power

    Created by a new constitution, assumes the role of governing until november 10,1799 later it was over thrown by napolean. during its reign of government it only held legislative power.