French Monarchs

  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Bourbon Family

    The Bourbon Family
    The Bourbon family became popular in 1268 when Robert, the son of Louis IX married Beatrice of Burgundy. In 1327, their son was made the Duke of Bourbon. Finally, the Bourbon family became the ruling family in Navarre in 1555 and then ruled in France 1589. Henry IV was the first monarch in the Bourbon family.
  • Henry IV

    Henry IV
    Henry IV was the first Bourbon king of France. He was king of France from 1589 until 1610. Henry IV married Marguerite de Valois. Henry's marrage was a part of a plan to try to end French Wars of Religion. Henry was forced to convert from Protestantism to Catholicism, but later on he returned to Protestantism. He remained king until he died in 1610.
    Born: December 13, 1553
    Died:May 14, 1610
  • Louis XIII

    Louis XIII
    Louis XIII was king from 1610-1643. He was the son of Henry IV and Marie de Medicis. Louis XIII came to throne at age nine because his father was killed and he did not take over the government until he was sixteen years old. He married Princess Anne of Austria and together they had a son. Louis XIII built a powerful navy and kept the nobility in his favor. He demanded the Luxembourg Palace to be decorated and expanded the settlement of Quebec.
    Born: September 27, 1601
    Died: May 14, 1643
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    Louis XIV was king from May 14, 1643 to September 1, 1715. He became king at age four, but Cardinal Mazerin ruled until Mazarin died in 1661. Louis was known as "the greatest absolute monarch". He married Maria Theresa of Spain until she died and then he remarried Marquise de Maintenon. He believed in mercantillism. During his time of ruling, France fought in four wars.
    1674- purchased island of Martinique
    1689- passes "Black Code"
    Born:September 5, 1638
    Died:September 1, 1715
    Son ate his heart
  • Louis XV

    Louis XV
    Louis XV was king of France from 1715 to 1774. He started ruling legally at age fourteen and his uncle was the ragent until then. When Louis XV was two, his father, mother, and brother all died in the same week. Given the throne at age five. Later he married Marie Therese. His main duty was to clean up the financial mess his grandfather made. He was unsuccessful. Louis XV was obsessed with women and had many affairs in his life.
    Died:May 10, 1774 due to smallpox
  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
    Louis XVI ruled from 1774 to 1793. Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette in 1770. Louis decided to order the first election of an Estates General in 1788. He ruled during the beginning of the French Revolution. His reign only lasted 10 years. Louis and his family tried to flee from Paris but it did not work out. He was arrested, convicted of treason, and eventually executed. His eight year old son became king.
    Born:August 23,1754
    Died:January 21,1793
  • Louis XVII

    Louis XVII
    Louis XVII "ruled" from 1793 to 1795. He was imprisoned most of his life until death. He never officially ruled because he was in prison and the new republic. Louis died in prison due to illness. His heart was removed and preserved. Died at age ten.
    Born:March 27,1785
    Died:June 8, 1795
  • The End of the Bourbon Family #2

    The End of the Bourbon Family #2
    Another effect from the Bourbon family was from Louis XVI. Louis XVI effected France because he spent so much money that it left France in debt. He waisted money on things that were not necessary. In my opinion, the Bourbon family was good and bad for France. I feel like some of the monarchs ruled France in a mature way and some did not care about it. The Bourbon's impacted the economy and religion in good and bad ways.
  • The End of the Bourbon Family

    The End of the Bourbon Family
    The Bourbon family had many effects. Henry IV had a positive effect on France. He rebuilt France and its prosperities, however some hated him because of his religious betrayal. Louis XIII effected France because he was weak and could not hold the government together because he was ill and not healthy. Louis XIV effected France when he weakened the power of the nobles and increased the power of the gov. The gov. collected taxes and assured justice in the community.