
French and The American Revolution

  • The Storming of Bastille

    The Storming of Bastille
    The people of France began to get in angry crowds between the roads of Paris and Versailles once King Louis took no action in the Tennis Court Oath. With people in fright of what the king soldiers might do to them they armed themselves to fight. With hours of fighting the governer surrendered. The people got revenge and killed him. Rumors then went around to crush the third estate making the peasants attack housing and documents stating financial obligactions
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    The French and American Revolutions

  • A Declaration Of Rights

    A Declaration Of Rights
    To calm the crazy peasants, the National Assembly created a document called The Decleration of the Rights of Man and of Citizen. The Assembly claimed "men are born and remain free and equal in rights". The Decleration was then printed out throughout France.
  • Defending The Revolution

    Defending The Revolution
    Many people suspected that the King planned to lead an army back into France to crush the Revolution. More and more people starting believeing this, and wanting aggressive action against the invasion.
  • France Declares War

    France Declares War
    More people kept talking and arguing about the revolutionary movement and the growing threat of the foreign invasion. France then declares war on Austria. Months later Austria gets help from Prussia.
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    People took matters in their own hands and imprisoned the royal family and replaced The National Assembly with a new name called National Convention. With this The French Revolution became more violent and decided the country no longer needed a king.
  • The execution of King louis XVI

    The National Convention sentenced the king to death. The day of January 21 1793 people gathered and the executionest pushedlouis down on the guillotine and chopped his head off. The death of him spread and gave fear throughout the countries. Fearful that the revolutionary violence might spread to their own land, Europeans prepared their troops to fight against France.
  • The Reign Of Terror

    The Reign Of Terror
    Maximilien Robespierre leading the way the revolution was in its bloodiest phase, called the Reigh of Terror. During this,many churches were closed, and the national convetnion adopted a new calender. A law by Robespierre was passed letting the cops arrest any citizen an "enemy of liberty or " supporter of tyranny".
  • Robespierre's Death and a new Constitution

    Robespierre's Death and a new Constitution
    Robespierre acted more of a tyrant. The National Convention soon ended his life and the reign of terror. After his death the power shifted from the radicals to the middle class. They got a new constitution which ended male suffrage, and let people vote depending on how much property they owned.
  • Napoleon

    The directory was desperate and turned to put their trust in a young man and officer named Napoleon. The directory thought they could control him but Napoleon took part in Coup d'etat and overthrew the government. Napoleon soon had as much power as the mightiest king and changed France from top to bottom.
  • The Napoleonic Code

    The Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon replaced old laws in France with a single set of laws that would apply no matter who they were or where they lived. The code protected the right to trial by jury , and it affirmed equality. The code lives on until today. It was considered his greatest accomplisment.
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