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Family Timeline

  • Losing

    My mom lost a baby before me. This was really doifficult for my mom, dad and older sister. This reallly makes me sad too. However if this hadn't happened I would'nt have been born. I still have mixed emotions about this though.
    Resource: My mom
  • Inspiration

    My sister started dancing and I started a few months later. I remember that when my older sister started I was amazed and thats how I started to dance.
    Resoure: My sister
  • Jealousy

    My brother Alfonso was born and I was jelous of him. It was weird to me to know that someone had "tooken" away "my" attention. It was just weird in general having a younger sibling especially a boy. So I bit him.
    Resource:I just remember so my brain
  • Almost dead

    My mom had recieved a phone call from her sister in Mexico who my grandma went to go stay with for three weeks. My aunt told my mom that my grandma had fallen off a two story staircase and was horribly injured. We went to go get my grandma. My mom was pregnant at that time. My grandma was about to die.After this happened I matured alot.
    Resources:My family except my younger siblings
  • Jealousy part two

    My little sister Amy was born and I was seven and six years had passed since my brother was born know he was older and so was I. By then I understood that she was going to need more attention. Then one day she pinched me and my mom said she was only a baby then one day I locked her in the room. Resouces:My mom and dad, my brain
  • Holding a grudge

    My little brother Jordi was born and this really impacted me because we had just gone through a hard time that had made me mature alot more than I already was.Then my sister and brother got mad because I picked on them and I never picked on Jordi.
    Resources: my brain
  • Leaving

    We drove to Washington D.C. to go drop off my sister at American University to study medicine, that would have been alot of money if she hadn't gotten the eight-year scholarship. When we were giving her our good-bye hugs and kisses she made me promise to be a good older sister and to be good at school and being the oldest has made me more responsible and my promise I will keep forever.