Family Time Line

  • Grandmother Sally was born

    Born in Perry County KY.
  • Grandfather James Ritchie was born

    Born in Perry county KY.
    Parents divorced when he was a young boy,
  • Grandparents got married

  • Grandparents moved to Cincinnati

    Moving from a very rural and secluded area of Appalachia, to Cincinnati due to lack of work other than in the coal mines.
  • Aunt Roma was born

  • Mother (Donna) was born

  • I (Sara Ritchie) was born

    When I was born my biological father was not involved with my mother, and had expressed no desire to be a parent to me, thus I have no fathers name on my birth certificate, and have never known or had a relationship with my biological father. Upon my birth my mother and I returned to residing with my grandparents.
  • Grandmas Parkinson's Diagnosis

    My grandmother was my secondary caregiver, and was responsible for watching me while my mother was at work. When grandma began having neurological problems she was diagnosed with Parkinson's and the disease continued to progress.
  • Started school

    Beginning kindergarten was the first opportunity to socialize with other children on a daily basis as I had no siblings, or cousins.
  • Moved out of my grandparents home

    My mother and I moved into our own residency in Grant County KY. This was about an hour away from my Grandparents and I went from living in a rural home with four adults to living in a trailer park with just me and my mother. My mother later told me her reason for moving was that she did not want me to see my grandmother continue to progress with her illness. My mother also had extra support in Grant County because we lived next to her cousin which she was very close with.
  • My mom Got Married, I welcomed a step dad into my life

    My mother began dating my step dad shortly after moving to KY and they got married late the following summer. Never having a father figure before getting accustomed to having a man become part of our family was an adjustment for me.
  • Grandmother passed away

  • Moved back to ohio

    The summer before my freshman year of high school I moved into a new school district back in Ohio. My mother states that since grandma had passed away she wanted to be closer to her father to help with his care. This was the first home that my mother had bought, and we returned to living in rural OH.
  • Period: to

    High School

    Entered a new high school in 1999, High school I did well, and had no social issues, and made good grades.
  • My first job

    First job at Kroger, allowed for extra money and responsibility
  • Period: to

    Northern Kentucky University, College

    After searching for a major settled with psychology, with a minor in Criminal Justice. Commuted to school, and was not involved in extra activities much. Was able to make several meaningful friendships
  • First professional job

    Began working at a residential rehab Center
  • Period: to

    Studied abroad

    London England. Being in Europe changes ones concept of hisorty and time.
  • Moved into my first apartment

  • Got married

    I had known my husband for three months prior to getting married. We had met at my parents church, though neither of us have ever claimed to be active within a church community, but rather would attend with our families, and that lead to our marriage.
  • Purchased my home

  • Birth of my son

    Haven Broly was welcomed to our family, and instantly became my first life priority.
  • Started Current job

    Found fantastic coworkers, and continued my professional growth.
  • Period: to

    Separation and divorce

    April 2016 Ex Husband admitted to an affair and from April to November, the process of a fairly emotional divorce occurred
  • Started Graduate School

    At Aspen University
  • Death of Grandfather