Evalaution question 7

By vicfifi
  • Perliminary task

    Perliminary task
  • Sound excisize

    Sound excisize
    We created a shot sequence demonstrating different uses as sound.
  • Planning

    We started planning our thriller this included lacation , costumes and risks assesments
  • Filming day

    Filming day
    On this day we fimled and completed our thriller we have checked the weather focus and had started early in the hopes of completing it and we achieved our goal
  • Finished thriller

    Finished thriller
    We completed editing of our thriller
  • Evalaution

    We stared completing evalautions and reflecting on the work we had done
  • Music and font

    Music and font
    We chose the music and font we were going to use in the thriller we wanted to find music that matched the atmoshpere we were trying to project and a font that was appropriate
  • Vox pox

    Vox pox
    We did some resewarch on vox poxes and we diceded to incoparate them into our our audience research.