German revolution 1848

European Revolution of 1848

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    Serbian Rebellion

    The Serbians battled with the Ottoman Empire for independence. Serbian literature and culture flourished and strengthened their nationalism. Gradually over battles they gained a self rule government where the Ottomans did not interfere with Serbia
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    A group of monarchs who wanted to go back to old traditions. They sorted out territories which were stolen and set a balance of power. This is also called the Concert of Europe.
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    Belgiums independence

    The Belgians were furious with the unification of the Austrian Netherlands and the kingdom of Holland. The language barrier of the Dutch and the Belgians created uprisings. Britain and France backed up the Independence of Belgium for their own personal gains, but Belgium became an independent and neutral state afterwards.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    Mexico revolted against Spain for independence in 1820. As time passed Mexico won its independence by uniting everyone in Central America to rebel. The Mexicans toppled the monarchy governments and set up the Republic of Mexico.
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    Greek Revolt Against the Ottoman Empire

    In 1821 the Greeks sought a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire. For the the Greeks came together and said that this struggle would be called "a national war". France, Britain, and Russia supported the revolt, but pressured them to letting Otto von Wittelsbachto rule over them.
  • French Revolution of 1848

    French Revolution of 1848
    Fights of what the government should be was the what started the Revolution of 1848 in France. A period of reduced economic activities happened during this event. People were furious when the government tried to shut down their public meetings.
  • Revolt in Austria

    Revolt in Austria
    Metternich the monarch of Austria tried to suppress the revolts through censorship in books, but schools smuggled books without censorship in books. Revolution spread to the Hungarians and Czechs rebelled for independence. Although there was a rebellion the Austrian troops brought it down.
  • Revolts of Italy

    Revolts of Italy
    Nationalists rebelled because they wanted to change the government. Workers revolted because of economic hardships that demanded even more radical changes. These revolts forced the Pope out of Rome, but were shut down by Austrian troops.
  • Rebellion in the German States

    Rebellion in the German States
    University Students rebelled because they wanted national unity and liberal reforms. Peasants and workers brought struggle to them through economic hard times and the potato famine. Soon Germany was forced to have a foreign monarch which caused trouble.
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    The Civil War

    The Civil War was fought between the Union and the Confederates or the North and the South. This war was caused by the different opinions or views on if people should be able to own slaves or not. Overtime the Union won and slaves were free, but still were not treated equal afterwards.