ES-French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Robespierre comes to power

    Robespierre comes to power
    He was elected deputy for the 3rd estates, he worked to be a public speaker in the assembly. He was a part of the Jacobin Club this was an important club because its where people debated events. That club is where most of his power came from.
  • Louis calls the estates-General

    Louis calls the estates-General
    King Louis calles the meeting because he is desperate for money so he wants to tax the nobles it was also the frst meeting in 175 years. The rules of the estates general were the 3 estates met separetly, each estate had one vote which ment that the first and second estate could always out vote the 3rd estate
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    After the 3rd estate delegates found themselves locked out of their meeting room, members of the National Assembly gathered at the tennis court and said the they wont leave or stop meeting until they had a new constitution .
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    French citizens gathered weapons so that they could defend the city against attacks, then stormed the Paris prison of Bastille serching for gun powder. This event became a symbolic act and also was one of the first acts of violence in the revolution.
  • Declaration of rights of man

    Declaration of rights of man
    This was a constitution made by the national assembly because they wanted a constitutional monarchy. It says "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good..." and "Liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression."
  • March to Versailles

    March to Versailles
    A large group of French women rioted for the increasing price of bread prices and stormed Versailles to demand bread. They were also looking for the queen because they all had such a strong hatred for her that they wanted to kill her.
  • Louis's Trial

    Louis's Trial
    The National Assembly wanted to suspend the monarchy and they thought the only way they could do this was to kill the king. they brought him to trial and accused him of treason and crimes against the state. After his trial they voted and decided to sentence him to death.
  • The Terror

    The Terror
    When Robespierre became the leader of the Committe of Public Safety which practically made him the dictator. The time of his rule included alot of death sensences, many people were murdered without a formal sentences imposed by the court of law. Robespierre justified the reign of terror by saying it enabled French people to remain true to the ideas of the revolution. To sum up you were eather on his side or had a death sentence.