Erik Erikson Timeline

  • 0-1: Trust vs. Mistrust

    0-1: Trust vs. Mistrust
    My parents did not leave me with a babysitter. They established a connection so that I knew the world was predictable
  • 1-2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

    1-2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
    My parents encouraged me but did not overcottle me, leading to my independence. My grandmother would come baby sit us every once and a while. I was not scared when my parents left because I had my sister and I was comfortable with my grandmother.
  • 2-3: Autonomy Vs. Shame and Doubt

    2-3: Autonomy Vs. Shame and Doubt
    During this time I was eager to do things alone. I always picked out my outfits.
  • 3-4: Initiative vs. Guilt

    3-4: Initiative vs. Guilt
    I played with my little brother a lot. I taught him how to interact with out environment.
  • 4-5: Initiative vs. Shame and doubt

    4-5: Initiative vs. Shame and doubt
    I played with my neighbors who were 2 and 4 years older than me. I was never bossy because I thought they were so much older than me.
  • 5-6: Initiative vs. Shame and Doubt

    5-6: Initiative vs. Shame and Doubt
    I run fast to keep up with the soccer ball, but I never wanted the pressure of having possesion of it.
  • 6-7: Industry vs. inferiority

    6-7: Industry vs. inferiority
    I had a positive outlook on life. I loved to go to school to be with my friends.
  • 7-8: Industry vs. inferiority

    7-8: Industry vs. inferiority
    I became confident in my ability to play basketball.
  • 8-9: Industry vs. inferiority

    8-9: Industry vs. inferiority
    I felt that I was one of the best during P.E. I also started asking my mom if friends could come over.
  • 9-10: Industry vs. inferiority

    9-10: Industry vs. inferiority
    I supported my brothers and sister at their sporting events.
  • 10-11: Industry vs. inferiority

    10-11: Industry vs. inferiority
    I was eager to hang out with my friends after school.
  • 11-12: Industry vs. inferiority

    11-12: Industry vs. inferiority
    I became confident and projected that confidence by being a class clown.
  • 12-13: Identity vs. role confusion

    12-13: Identity vs. role confusion
    I got pride from running in cross country meets.
  • 13-14: Identity vs. role confusion

    13-14: Identity vs. role confusion
    I was not sure of who I wanted to be and how to start highschool.
  • 14-15: Identity vs. role confusion

    14-15: Identity vs. role confusion
    I was caught up in meaningless highschool drama so I came up with my own morals that I still stick to today.
  • 15-16: Identity vs. role confusion

    15-16: Identity vs. role confusion
    I really decided to not care about what others think of me. I chose to only hang out with people that made me happy.
  • 17-18: Identity vs. role confusion

    17-18: Identity vs. role confusion
    I decided to stick with cross country. I applied to colleges and picked the one that suited me best.
  • Period: to

    19-40 Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Since I went through my role confusion at an early age, established morals, and have a concrete understanding of my emotions, I am set up to have a good relationship. I feel like I can read people's desires easily. Though I always joke about never getting married, I think I may find someone to date long term.
  • Period: to

    40-65: generativity vs. self absorption

    Because I am often in my own head, I don't know if I will care about not leaving a legacy. As long as my family, my friends, and I are happy and healthy, I don't care to make a big impact on the world. I may "fail" this stage because of a lack of involvement.
  • Period: to

    66-death: integrity vs. despair

    I hope to look back on my life and be happy. This has put my life into perspective and now I will live to make my future self proud. So far, I think my life has been fun and adventerous. I hope I will be able to forgive people who have wronged me so that I am not bitter.