
  • Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of laws

    Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of laws
    Montesquieu states his thoeries about seperation of power and power checking power.
  • America Declares Independence

    America Declares Independence
    The English/American colonies declare themselves an independent country.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The Third Estate was frustrated in not having a say in the government affairs so they rewrote the consitution and overhauled the whole old way of government
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d'eat

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d'eat
    To get complete control over the government, Napoleon overthrows the directory and becomes the sole console
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a cast European Empire

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a cast European Empire
    Napoleon has the pope crown him emperor and takes the crown from the pope.
  • Haiti wins freedom from France

    Haiti wins freedom from France
    Haiti through many factors such as diesiese and cost wins its freedom
  • Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence

    Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence
    Rallies people and got the revolution started.
  • Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
    Famous battle of waterloo in which Napoleon waited too long and ended up loosing in the most humiliating battle of his life