Discovering My Ancestry

By SodaCan
  • The Ordinary World...

    Getting interested in my blood line. I start slowly and gather resources.
  • The Resurrection

    The Resurrection
    I had to prove to my line that I would not betray them. They took me to the extremes. I succeeded and now they do not doubt me as they once had.
  • Meeting With the Mentor

    I briefly talk with my grandmother and mother about my interest in my line. When my mom goes up to Wisconsin, she brings back a book of stories, signias, and family trees whom we are related to.
  • Refusal of the Call

    Refusal of the Call
    I wasn't sure whether or not learning about my ancestor's past involvement with the world was a good thing or not. I learned many disturbing things that only I know of and those in my line who committed the acts.
  • Crossing the Threshold.

    Crossing the Threshold.
    I commit myself to finding the true signia. But my practices get out hand and I am lead somewhere else entirely. My eyes were opened up to a literally "new world" in the Astral Realm with my great-aunt leading me for one of the few times that we will ever meet until my death.
  • Tests, Allies, and Enemies

    I did not have to go through any tests. But however, this is a test itself of finding the true signia. My allies are the ancestors who teach me. So far I have not encountered anyone on my journey who wishes to hinder me on my journey.
  • The Ordeal

    The Ordeal
    Because I have relied on much help and that now I have to take my own path of continuing the search, I am at a low point with no progress.
  • The Call to Adventure

    The Call to Adventure
    I study the art of Ethereal Walking as well as dive deeper into my historic line. My information is limited that I need to use outside sources. Do not confuse this with a religion belief because this is merely a 'philosophical ideal' that people who are generally not religious practice this.. Ethereal Walking is a form of OBE (Out of Body Expeirence) which can be induced purposefully.
  • Planning on traveling to old homesteads

    Planning on traveling to old homesteads
    there is really no specific date for that..
  • The Reward and the Return of the Elixir

    The Reward and the Return of the Elixir
    Finding the signia and creating a ring for junior year.