Devon Kubenik

  • The Day I Was Born

    I was born on October 11, 1999, in Mount Kisco Hospital. With an umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, doctors didn't think I would make it, but in the end, I showed that I can prove a room of doctors wrong. I was probably around 9 pounds and I was a super fat baby. This day was more important to my family because they ended up with a cool guy named Devon to talk and laugh with. Furthermore, this was arguably the most important day of my life and I will cherish it greatly forever.
  • First, and last Fight

    It was playtime, during a hot pre-school day, when all of a sudden I was determined to play with the blocks. Another boy was already using them and i pushed him so I could play with them. He fought back and we started throwing hands. a teacher broke us up and sat me down to talk. She taught me the importance of using my words to get what I want. The most important lesson I ever learned....
  • Moving?

    It was another great year with my friends in 7th grade when my parents said that we would be moving to South Carolina. This one confession by my parents put a whole 180 on my life. Find new friends, live in a new house, sleep in a different bed. This spiraled me into depression over the summer of 2011 but it never got better. This is until my parents tell me that we will be holding off on moving until after college. Such a relief to be able to spend more time with the people I love the most.
  • the time my mom got hit by a car.

    My mom was working in a pharmacy when a car crashed through the window, burying her under piles of cigarettes and cabinets. She was rushed into surgery and to this day she is still recovering. This affected me a lot because it forced me and my siblings to do all of the housework that my mother couldn't do anymore. Over time, I learned to manage school, chores inside and outside, and taking care of my mother in order to please her and myself.
  • My First "Car"

    It was garbage pickup week when my friends and I found a little tykes plastic car for toddlers. We rolled it home and decided to fix it up. After hours of modifications, we took it for a test run down my hill in my back yard. We crashed into a tree. No one was hurt but we had fun fixing it over and over again. This is where I found my love for building and creating using my small limited tool set.
  • Flying in a Helicopter

    For my birthday in 2013, my grandmother bought me tickets to take helicopter flying lessons. This overall experience was an extremely fun time and seeing the ground from that height was something that I will never forget. The worst part about it was when I was told I had to land because the lesson was over. Although I didn't learn a lot, i found a love for all things heights and thrills. I would love to hopefully learn how to fly a plane next.
  • Losing my Dog

    My dog was the best dog. He was always there for me and my sister when she was down and when she was happy I was happy. This dog meant the world to my sister and we would come home from school every day to play with him. The absolute most depressing day of my life was when my mom said he would have to be put to sleep. It was horrible to hear at first, but as i watched him in his last days lug himself around, I saw that it was for the better. This is how I learned to cope with death
  • Breaking Bones

    It was over the span of 2.5 years that I broke four bones. My left arm, right arm, right leg, left leg. First I broke my right arm, and while I had that I was playing basketball and broke my leg. My leg healed and I broke the other one while playing football, then after all of these bones healed I broke my other arm playing basketball. This forced me into a wheelchair in school, and as a result, unfortunately I haven't played a sport since. I want to but i'm scared i will break another bone...
  • Getting A Job

    This job has taught me more about life than anything in the world ever will. Responsibility, common sense and most important, how to deal with a variety of different kinds of people. Crazy people, mostly. By taking everyones shifts, I also managed to get myself a manager position in only a year! This promotion forced me to work late at night one day just to get up super early the next day to do it all again. I also met tons of cool people and got a couple friends along the way.
  • Art class w/ Tallevi

    Sophomore year ceramics class was the best class I took in high school so far. The freedom to be creative while talking and sitting with your friends was my favorite way to socialize. It opened me up to a world of different kinds of art and drawing styles. This class showed me how much I need to value art and gave me a way to relieve stress. I took a lot out of that class but most importantly it taught me how to relieve stress using art. Lastly, it taught me how to have fun while concentrating.