Developmental Timeline

  • Conception

    Concieved after my parents had been together for over 5 years. After a few months of trying, my mother and father were succesfullat conception.
  • Changes of Parents Behavior

    Changes of Parents Behavior
    After finding out that my mother was pregnant, my father quit smoking to reduce the teratogens I was exposed to in attempt to make a better household for the expected baby. As an fetus I was rapidly growing and forming inside of my mother's womb.
  • Birth

    On this day, I was born as a healthy baby. Born with some of the basic senses set in place, I can hear much before birth and can taste and smell, however, I am not able to see well. Hearing will be the dominant sense used until sight develops.
  • Period: to

    Jean Piaget: Sensorimotor Stage

    During the first two year of life, I explored the world using my senses and would create schemas about the experiences. Object permanance is an issue whic babies must learn to understand during this stage.
  • Period: to

    Lawrence Kohlberg: Preconventional

    Decision making during this stage is focused on whether or not punishment will be recieved for the choice made.
  • Period: to

    Oral Stage

    During my first year of life I sought pleasure through my mouth. When objects were placed around me, I would try to put it into my mouth. The rooting and the sucking reflex are especially prominent during this time.
  • Period: to

    Erik Erikson: Trust Versus Mistrust

    During the first 18 months of my life, I focused on experiencing the world by seeing who would fullfill my needs or not.
  • Inborn Reflexes

    Inborn Reflexes
    As a 2 month old there are a few certian inborn reflexes that I have such as the rooting reflex, sucking reflex, grasping reflex, moro reflex, and the babinski reflex.
  • First Words

    First Words
    At an early age I said my first words. During this time, I was developing cognitivally as the Wernicke's Area in my brain begins to expand. Although the first words are little, over time I will develop even more and gain more vocabulary as my brain begins to place objects with labels.
  • Walks for The First Time

    Walks for The First Time
    As an early walker, my motor development was quite fast as I began to walk at the age of just 9 months. By this time my muscles, bones, and other parts of my body had developed enough to allow me to walk around withouth any outside help. In only a few months I would be able to run and climb up stairs.
  • Period: to

    Anal Stage

    Toilet training was the main concern of this stage.
  • Attachemnt to Parents

    Attachemnt to Parents
    During the first two years of my life, I became very attached to the people whom I could trust to fulfill my needs, in my case, my parents. Due to the fact that I could trust my parents when I was a baby, this feeling of trust has been carried on throughout my life.
  • Period: to

    Erik Erikson: Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt

    During this time I sought to take control over my own body. One of the major events throughout this time was becoming toilet trained. By learning how to succesfully be in control of my body, I was able to move on to the next stage.
  • Potty Training

    Potty Training
    During the Anal Stage of development, I began to have more control over my own body and by learning how to use the bathroom by myself, I tried to gain this control.
  • Period: to

    Jean Piaget: Preoperational Stage

    This stage marks the beginning of the use of language in order to respresent objects. However, egocentrism is evident in this stage due to the fact that children can only see from their point of view.
  • Moving

    Beginning when I was just 2, my family began to move every single year for the next 6 years. Moving around exposed me to many different enviroments and played a big role in shaping the person that I am today. Moving from The Netherlands to Norway, Iran, Australia, and then states in America made me more aware of the different cultures and people that exist.
  • Danielle's Birth

    Danielle's Birth
    When I was almost 3 years old, my mother gave birth to my younger sister, Danielle. However, I had mixed feelings about the new addition to the family. I was excited to have a baby sister yet I was upset with the fact that I would have to share and compete for my parents attention. Social and cognitive development were at a high during this time as I began to interact with my sibling.
  • "Terrible Two's"

    "Terrible Two's"
    I began to become really stubborn and would not take 'no' for an anwser. If I was placed into a situation that I did not like or not given the toy I wanted, I would throw horrible temper tantrums.
  • Period: to

    Phallic Stage

    The realization and understanding of my gender was the main concern of this stage. I went through the process known as the Electra Complex in which I competed for my father's attention with my mother.
  • Period: to

    Erik Erikson: Initiative Versus Guilt

    Undertstanding the world around me was the main focus during this time of my life. Filled with curiosity, I sought to find anwsers to the hundreds of questions that I had.
  • Ego-Centrism

    As a 3 year old, I am only capable of seeing the world through my eyes and am very ego-centric. However, this will soon change as the theory of mind comes into play and i begin to see past my own needs and beliefs and come to terms with the fact that other people's beliefs, feelings, and needs are different than my own.
  • Period: to

    Erik Erikson: Industry Versus Inferiority

    Formal education was a main focus during this time. Trying to be on the same level as my peers during time was a major goal. If I felt that I did not reach the same level as my peers, I would have an inferiority complex and be insecure about my performance.
  • Period: to

    Latency Stage

    The latency stage is a calm period between the ages of 6 and puberty during which psychosexual activity is very low.
  • Big Move to America

    Big Move to America
    In 2004 my family relocated to Chicago. This was a big move for me and my family due to all the adjustments that had to be made.
  • First Day of Formal Education

    First Day of Formal Education
    In 2004 I began my Formal Education in the form of first grade. During this time I began to compete with other students in order to have the best work and whenever I felt that I did not match up with the level of others, I would feel like I failed myself (inferiority complex). As I began first grade at an American School, I had to take ESL(English as a Second Language) classes in order to adjust. Learning a new language developed my Wernicke's Area even more.
  • Friendship

    After starting school, I quickly made very close friends. During this time I made many strong connections with other children. Socially, I began to develop by exposing myself to others and forming relationships.
  • Adoption of Daisy

    Adoption of Daisy
    After moving to Georgia, my family decided to adopt a dog. As an 7 year old, I was estatic to adopt a dog and have a pet. Adopting Daisy made me responsible at a young age because it was my job to feed her, walk her, and provide for all her basic nessicities.
  • Period: to

    Jean Piaget: Concrete Operations

    Logical thinking about relationshsips that exist between different objects is the focus of this stage. The concepts of conservation, volume, area, and number, are learned during this time.
  • Period: to

    Lawrence Kohlberg: Conventional

    Decision making during this stage is focused on how others will view them for makin g the chouce that they make. During this stage, children learn from the people and enviroment around them about what is right and wrong and therefore they will try to fit into those standards.
  • Dealing with Death

    Dealing with Death
    As a child I had always been in love with my grandparents. However, after moving far from The Netherlands, I only got to see them up to twice a year. In 2006 and 2007 both of my grandfathers passed away. This was the first time that I had ever had to deal with death. Emotionally I was torn apart and suffered from a train wreck of emotions. These deaths developed me into realizing that life includes death and that all things come to an end.
  • Development of Logical Thinking

    Development of Logical Thinking
    Starting at the age of 9 my thinking began to become more logical. I became aware of the concepts of conservation and begin to think about the complex relationships between different objects.
  • Fifth Grade Graduation

    Fifth Grade Graduation
    In 2008, I graduated from fifth grade. During my first 5 years of formal education I began to achieve highly in my class. Cognitvally, I created a mentallity that I always needed to be the best, which in the end caused me pain when I failed at certian things.
  • Period: to

    Erik Erikson: Identity Versus Role Confusion

    Finding my identity was the focus of this stage. By attempting to fit into groups I tried to find myself and become comfortable with my identity.
  • Period: to

    Genital Stage

    From puberty until death, the primary focus is on sexual pleasure.
  • Puberty Begins

    Puberty Begins
    At the age of 12, puberty began to set in and take its course on me. Physical, mental, and emotional changes occured during the next 2 years of my life as I developed into an adolescent. I experience the secondary sex charachteristics which appear during puberty.
  • Period: to

    Jean Piaget: Formal Operations

    Adult reasoning starts to form during this stage. We begin to do abstact reasoning and things such as hypothesis testing. We are also able to think about the way we think, metacognition, and trace our steps to solving a problem.
  • Finding Myself

    Finding Myself
    During my early teenage years, I began to try and make an identity for myself. I began to try and find groups that I believed that I would fit well into.
  • Period: to

    Lawrence Kohlberg: Postconventional

    Moral reasoning is the highlight of this stage. When making decisions one will examine the rights and values that surround the situation.
  • Big Move

    Big Move
    In 2011 I moved from Kentucky to Nevada after living in Kentucky for over 4 years. During this time period I had developed strong connections with my friends and had grown into myself in Kentucky. Moving caused me to mentally change as I began realizing that you have to let go sometimes and move on in life. This was the hardest move of my life and trying to fit into a new school caused me to change myself as a person.
  • Menarche

    Before the beginning of freshman year, Ihave my menarche. During this time I am not only chnaging physically but also emotionally.
  • Stable Identity

    Stable Identity
    After turning 15 and after my first year of high school, I had a stable identity set in place for myself. I had moral standards, religion, self-concept, and my own beliefs that I followed. However, although some chnaged and adjusted over time, throughout the next few years, this identity that I created for myself would continue to be set in place.
  • Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Finishing a chapter of my life in the states, I was ready to move on. In the summer of 2012 we relocated to Saudi Arabia where my development mentally, socially, and cognitivally would change and grow at a crazy speed. Being exposed to a completley different culture and mentality made me question my own morals and standards as a person.
  • Period: to

    Erik Erikson: Intimacy Versus Isolation

    Learning how to balance relationships with work is the focus of this stage. Formation of strong and stale relationships is vital during this time.
  • College

    After graduating from AISJ, I get accepted into the school of my drams, UCLA. I begin to study medicine in the hopes of becoming a pediatrician.
  • Graduation and Post-College Dreams

    Graduation and Post-College Dreams
    After graduating from college with a PhD in medicine, I take on my dream of traveling to third-world countries to set up health clnics with a group of my friends. I feel a special pride in the fact that I now that I am saving the lives of children.
  • Marriage

    After meeting the man of my dreams in college and being in a relationship for 4 years, we decide to move to the next step and get married.
  • Birth of Twins

    Birth of Twins
    After coming back home from my job as a doctor in a third-world country, my husband and I decide it is time to have children. I make sure to avoid any teratogens such as smoke and alcohol to ensure that the children will be healthy at birth. I beome an authorative parent to my child and am happy with where my future is going.
  • Period: to

    Erik Erikson: Generativity Versus Stagnation

    Creating the path of life we want for our future is an important event during this stage. If we are not satisfied with the life we are leading, we will make changes and adjust accordingly.
  • Death of Parents

    Death of Parents
    I wake up to a phone call from my devastated sister, our parents have been involved in a fatal car crash. Dealing with the death or both my parents is not easy and I begin to fall into depression. For a few years nothing can make me happy and I am constantly flooded with memories of my loving mom and father.
  • Period: to

    Erik Erikson: Ego Integrity Versus Despair

    During the last stage of life, we look back over our lives to see if we are happy with our accomplishments and the life that we have led. Being fulfilled with life is an important event.
  • Last Years of Life

    Last Years of Life
    During my last years of life I begin to look back on my past and decide that I am proud of my accomplishments. This allows me to keep moving on and know that I will pass away in a good state of mind.
  • Death

    At the age of 75, I pass away of old age peacefully in my sleep.