
Developmental Timeline

  • Germinal Stage

    Conception, fertilized zygote
  • Embryonic Stage

    Third week after conception, neural tube forms.
  • Fetal Stage

    Fetal Stage
    From 9 weeks to birth. Development of functional structures
  • Birth Psychosocial

    Birth Psychosocial
    I was born on September 24th 1987 at 8:38 am. Birth weight 9 pounds, 7 ounces. Delivered via C-section
  • Biosocial- sleeping

    Biosocial- sleeping
    Newborns sleep approx. 17 a day
  • Cognitive: Suckling, grasping

  • Cognitive- Gross muscle development: rolling, head propped up

    Proximal-distal motor development: Rolling over, sitting with head propped up. Frontal cortex
  • Cognitive- Gross motor skills development: crawling

    Proximal-distal development. Gross motor skill development: Crawling. Frontal cortex.
  • Biosocial: Speech Development

    10 months old, babbling.
  • Cognitive- Gross motor skills development: Walking

    Walking. Proximal-distal develpment. Requires muscles strength, brain maturation, practice. Frontal Cortex
  • Psychosocial: Self Awareness

    Responds to and understands name
  • Psychosocial: Emotion recognition

    Psychosocial: Emotion recognition
    fear, happy, sad
  • Cognitive: Learning, experimenting

    Observation of parents and sibliings, learning through trial and error.
  • Biosocial: Speech Development

    Continued speech development, child using words more accurately, less babbling.
  • Cognitive: Understand object permanance

    Piaget's sensory motor skill development. Child reaching for their toy, looking for the toy when it is not easily visible.
  • Biosocial: running, kicking

    Coordinated brain activity to muscles.
  • Psychosocial: Immediate Gratification

    Cannot wait for response from caregive, often seen as "I want it now!" Child often does not appreciate sharing during this time period.
  • Psychosocial: Separation anxiety

    1st time dropped off at day care. I cried and cried when my mom tried to leave me.
  • Psychosocial: Imagination

    Plays more openly with others, plays with imaginary objects.
  • Cognitive: Toileting

    Cognitive: Toileting
    Child is able to verbally communicate toileting needs, using the potty.
  • Biosocial: Developing motor coordinationg

    Feed self, walking up/down stairs, hand coordination
  • Cognitive: Dance Classes

    Requires attention, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. I saw the video of my first dance recital, all the kids were just watching the teacher dance, attempting to mimic teacher.
  • Biosocial: Skip, jump, clap, kick

    Complex motor coordination
  • Biosocial: 1st day of Preschool

    Social behavior
  • Biosocial: Spatial/ Size recognition

    Learn shapes, letters
  • Cognitive: Expressive Language

    Child has increased vocabulary, often asking many questions
  • Psychosocial: Parents divorced

    Psychosocial: Parents divorced
    I was very young when my parents divorced (4 years old, my sister only 2 years old), but I can still remember looking out the window watching my dad leave after a heated argument with my mom. Due to lack of cognitive development, it is not uncommon for preschool aged children to experience distress during exchanges between parents. I can remember my sister and me crying when my mom would bring us to our dads house to visit.
  • Cognitive: Receptive Language

    Child is able to recognize objects by defining attributes (ie: what is round and bounces?)
  • Biosocial: 1st Day of Kindergarden

    Biosocial: 1st Day of Kindergarden
    Social behavior.
  • Biosocial: Dominant writing hand

    Development of fine motor skills
  • Biosocial: 1st Day of First Grade

    Biosocial: 1st Day of First Grade
    Social behavior.
  • Cognitive Ride Bike

    Cognitive Ride Bike
    Coordination, cognitive, memory.
  • Learning to read/write

    Learning to read/write
  • Psychosocial: Mother Remarried

    Psychosocial: Mother Remarried
    Adjustment period for my sister and myself, new stepfather. I remember in school I was uncomfortable to share that my mother was divorced and remarried.
  • Cognitive: Ice Skating

    Cognitive: Ice Skating
    Application and coordination of learned techniques and skills pertaining to ice skating
  • Cognitive: Learning to play the flute

    Cognitive: Learning to play the flute
    6th Grade. Learning new fine motor movements (dexterity in fingers), learning musical language (music notes)
  • Biosocial: Bullying

    Biosocial: Bullying
    When I was in 7th grade I experienced a period of bullying. I was very shy and introverted, and did not defend myself when my peers would make fun of me for being in band.
  • Developental: Puberty

    Developmental, menarche
  • Developmental: New Sister

    Developmental: New Sister
    When I was 13 years old, my youngest sister was born. This was a stressful time for me because I was embarassed my mom was so old and having a baby (she was 41). Period of adaptation to having a baby sister around.
  • Period: to

    Adolescent Development

    Developmental period: going through puberty, increased sex hormones, increased impulsivity due to fully developed limibic system. Biosocial: adolescents face challenges of ego identity and role diffusion, without standing firm grounds on knowing who you are makes adolescents sucseptible to peer pressure. I was easily influenced by my peers, often times defiant of my parents and breaking curfew.
  • Cognitive: Graduated High School

    Cognitive: Graduated High School
    Graduated high school from Plymouth- Salem. Combination of learned skills/behavior, ability to problem solve, and remembering information throughout school years enables us to be able to graduate with a wide range of knowledge.
  • Period: to

    Biosocial: Young Adult

    Age 20-40 according to Erikson. There are many variations in defining adulthood, due to differences in psychosocial growth factors. This period is considered to be the healthiest period in your life, ideally in the best shape. Women reach peak fertility during this time period, in late 20's to early 30's. This period of time is crucial for identify formation, determining who you are. Although I am still in this phase, I know I am very independent and motivated for success.
  • Cognitive: Work

    Cognitive: Work
    Started new job at a hospital as a patient care tech. Involved learning new skills and terminology.
  • Cognitive: Graduated College

    Cognitive: Graduated College
    Graduated from Wayne State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
  • Psychosocial: Death

    Psychosocial: Death
    When my grandmother died 2 years ago, this was a very significant event in my life. I was very close with her, she was greatly involved in raising my sisters and me. I helped take care of her until the end, and it was very difficult coping with her loss.
  • Developmental: Birth of Nephew

    Developmental: Birth of Nephew
    A new addition to my family! The birth of my baby nephew Steven, was born on December 29th 2011.
  • Psychosocial: Graduate as RN

    Psychosocial: Graduate as RN
    Anticipated graduation after successfully completing the accelerated nursing program.
  • Psychosocial: Marriage

    Psychosocial: Marriage
    Possibly married by this point. Adaption period, change of life.
  • Developmental: Possible childbirth

    Developmental: Possible childbirth
    Around age 32, possibility for having a child, still in peak of fertility.
  • Period: to

    Biosocial: Middle Adulthood

    According to Erikson, the period between 40-60 years of age. Period before onset of old age, but includes onset of aging. Noticable decline in physiological features such as graying hair, skin less elastic (sagging). Cessation of female fertility,
    menopause usually around age 50. Psychosocial: Middle adults experience generativity, focused on family/new generations.
  • Biosocial: Mid-life Crisis

    Biosocial: Mid-life Crisis
    Possible midlife crisis. Depending on my stress load at this time period. Responses vary from person to person. I can see myself taking time to enjoy exploring new territories, possibly moving to a new place for a sense of change.
  • Biosocial: Aging

    Physiological decline, possibly diagnosed with coronary artery disease and hypertension. (My dad has CAD and hypertension, genetic factors play role in expression). LIfestyle will also be a factor in expression of these genetic predispositions.
  • Period: to

    Biosocial: Old Age

    Considered to be ages 60 and greater. More rapid decline in physiology: decreased hearing, vision, reaction time. Cognitive: often times long term memory and knowledge remains intact, but judgement and ability to problem solve decline.
  • Developmental: Loss of Self

    Declination, loss of ability to care for self, increased likelihood of developing depression or other mental illness.
  • Developmental: Death

    Developmental: Death
    Prediction of death at approx. age 76, which is less than the average lifespan for women. Most likely cause of death would be heart disease due to genetic predisopositions. Heart disease, cancer, and stroke remain the leading causes of death.