Developmental Psychology

By jma7
  • Conception

    9 months before my birth I was conceived by my mother and father. This Relates to Chapter 2 Section 3, (2.3) 'Genetic Influences on Development: Genes and Individual Development' because my mother and father had sexual intercourse to create me. Millions of sperm from my father and I was the one that survived.
  • Period: to

    Weeks 3-8 after Conception

    During this time, I began to grow. I grow my arms, legs, digestive system and even liver! I even developed some blood cells. This relates to 'Prenatal Development and Prenatal Care (2.4)'
  • My Birth

    During this time, my mother was in the labor process. She was admitted to Kaiser Permanente at Moanalua and began her labor, the first stage. It took about 10 hours to deliver me. My mom went through a lot of pain delivering and wasn't even able to get an epidural. This relates to chapter 3 'Birth and Cultural Context (3.1)'
  • Easing Birth Pain

    During my mom's birthing process, she really wanted to have an epidural and almost begged the doctors to give it to her but they refused. She stated that because of this, she suffered through the delivery. To try and ease the pain, she did some walking and sitting. We can relate this to chapter 3 section 2, (3.2) 'Cultural Variations in Methods for Easing the Birth (3.2)'
  • Neonatal Health

    During this time, I had just been born. According to my mom, I was one of those who had neonatal jaundace. It had only lasted a few days and after that, I was fine. This relates to chapter 3 in our text 'The Neonate: The Neonate's Health (3.3)'
  • Motor and Sensory Development

    Thanks to my mom's home videos, I am able to go back in time and watch my behavior as a child. During this time, I had very good Gross Motor Development. I was able to sit up, and I loved to roll over so my mom could blow bubbles on my belly. I would even reach out to my brother and try to touch him. This relates to 'Physical Development: Motor and Sensory Development (4.3)'
  • Physical Function as a Neonate

    As a neonate, I would sleep a lot. My mom said I'd sleep throughout the day. I was so quiet and I never cried. My mom said that I slept so much and cried so little that she would have to check if I was still alive and breathing. The Neonate: Physical Functioning of the Neonate (3.4)
  • My Favorite Food!

    As an infant, I was primarily breast fed until I was about 1 year old. Around 1, my mom introduced me to some solid foods like baby food, but most of all, my favorite, poi. I loved poi and I ate that as my meals for most of the week. This relates to the 4th chapter of our texts when it mentions solid foods being introduced to infants at 4 to 5 months. Although I was introduced to solid food later than the normal, I came out fine! 'Physical Development: Infant Health (4.2)'
  • Ages 2-3

    During ages 2 and 3, I grew and I grew fast. I was a really chubby baby and had a lot of fat rolls. Thankfully, during this time, I had no nutritional deficiencies. I grew healthy and at a normal rate. During this time, I was able to stand and even walk. This relates to chapter 5 'Physical Development: Growth and Change In Years 2 and 3 (5.1)'
  • Potty Trained

    At about two years of age, I began to toilet train. I had a Minnie Mouse potty and my mom would run me to the potty every time she new I was close to using the restroom. According to my mom, it took me a while to get there. 'Physical Development: Toilet Training (5.2)'
  • Preschool and Kindergarten

    Early childhood development was extremely important to my parents. Although it starts normally at the age of 7, I started preschool when I was four years old. I went to the Kamehameha schools preschool and then followed by kindergarten. 'Cognitive Development: Early Childhood Education (6.5)'
  • Middle Childhood

    During my middle childhood, one of the things I remember the most was losing my baby teeth. It was always something that I didn't like going through. The pain in my gums and the fear of it falling loose into my mouth. I remember one time my mom actually used a pliers to remove a tooth (like the movies). 'Physical Development: Growth in Middle Childhood (7.1)'
  • Language Development

    During middle childhood, I remember one thing about school was that I learned so much vocabulary. From constant vocabulary tests and spelling bees. I would have to say that most of my general knowledge had come from this time. 'Cognitive Development: Language Development (7.4)'
  • Puberty

    One thing I remember was during the ages of puberty. I would have to say that as a lot of people, this was a very very awkward time for me, I started my period at 12 years of age and started to grow breasts. I remember feeling weirdly unconfident and I always tried to hide my breasts. I eventually got a bad posture. 'Physical Development: Biological Changes of Puberty (8.1)'
  • Being a Christian

    Morality and religion was a very important part of my life. From a young age, I always knew how to say a prayer before I went to bed and I believe it shaped the person I am. As a Christian, I learned about laws that were taught in the bible and how Jesus lost his life. I believe that this has shaped the way I look at life and how I grew to be and the decisions I've made. This relates to the different theories of moral development. (8.6)
  • Problems and Resilience

    I remember a point in time when my mom and I didn't get along. I wanted more freedom and we began to bump heads and realize that we had differences. I was very resilient during this time and felt that I was right and she was wrong. I eventually grew out of it, but it is an experience I've learned a lot from. Emotional and Social Development: Problems and Resilience (8.8)
  • School and Work

    Growing up, my childhood was difficult, financially. Seeing my family struggle made me realize that I needed to get a college education and a good job so I don't struggle. Since as early as 16, I had my first job and I chose to be independent. Cognitive Development: Education and work (9.5) I worked hard and ranked up at my job while attending college for nursing.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    As an emerging adult, I tried my best to be independent. I got my first job early, started working and adopting my own bills while attending school. Although I wanted to move out of my home, I wasn't able to. It was too difficult for me to do this not until I was 19 and moved out of my parents home. 'Emotional and Social Development: The social and Cultural Contexts of Emerging Adulthood (9.8)'