dark ages timeline

  • The fall of the Roman Empire

    The fall of the Roman Empire
    476-Rome had ruled much of Europe. This is the start of the Dark Ages because the Roman empire was conqured
  • King Clovis

    King Clovis
    481 - Clovis 1 becomes King of the Franks.
  • Charlemagne crowned

    Charlemagne crowned
    800-When Charlemagne was in Rome, Pope Leo III surprisingly crowned him Emperor of the Romans over the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Alfred the great

    Alfred the great
    896-Alfred the Great, King of England, turns back the Viking invaders
  • Prophet Muhammad

    Prophet Muhammad
    570-Muhammad prophet of Islam was born in Mecca in Saudi Arabia in 570.
  • Battle of tours

    Battle of tours
    732-At the Battle of Tours, France, Frankish leader Charles Martel defeats a large army of Spanish Moors, halting the Muslim
  • the vikings expand their territory

    the vikings expand their territory
    835-The Vikings would board their long ships and head across the waters to raid villages on the northern coast of Europe, including islands such as Great Britain and Scotland.
  • William of Normandy

    William of Normandy
    1066-William of Normandy conquers England and he became King of England and changed the country forever.