Cultural Roots Assignment

  • Life with a Single Mother

    Life with a Single Mother
    I grew up in a home with two of my siblings and we were raised by a single woman. I chose this image of my mother and I because it represents the bases of our relationship and how we stick together. Being raised by a single mother highly influenced the way I operated as a child. I learned at an early age the importance of "looking after" your siblings. I watched my mom work countless hours which inspired me to have a strong work ethic. That has carried over into my current role as a teacher.
  • The Lucky 7

    The Lucky 7
    I have 6 siblings which makes me one of seven. This picture represents some of my siblings together for Christmas and two of them are missing which reflects how we grew up. I chose this picture because my siblings influenced my decision making throughout my years of high school and college. My older siblings were teen parents and none of them went to college. These events influenced me to not become a teen parent and pursue college and a future.
  • Eviction Notice

    Eviction Notice
    This picture represents the eviction notice similar to the one we found on our house. We were forced immediately to move out and we moved into a house owned by a friend of my mother. I chose this image because it was a pivotal moment in my life. Prior to this day I thought everyone had a home and I never had to consider what life would be like if I did not have a home. This event influenced how handle my finances to ensure that I am never forced out of my home again.
  • Restoration Community Church

    Restoration Community Church
    This picture represents my church home that my family and I attend. I chose my church as an influence because it is a pillar of my family. My church is place where we can grow, strengthen our foundation and create memories. As a child my church shaped how I celebrated holidays with my family. We would attend services on all major holidays and now that I have my own family I carry out those same traditions.
  • Home Sweet Home

    Home Sweet Home
    This map shows the distance between where my immediate family lives in Texas and where the remainder of my family lives in New Mexico. I chose this picture because this distance impacted how often we were able to see our family and how hard it was to keep everyone together. Due to my family living so far away from us this made me value the time that are able to spend together. This distance has impacted my decision of where to start my family as to not add more strain by moving to another state.
  • Understanding #BlackGirlMagic

     Understanding #BlackGirlMagic
    This photo is of my college roommates. I chose this picture because my college roommates shaped my attitude on what it means to be a black woman. Prior to attending college I went to a predominantly African American high school I did not have to be aware of my blackness. Once attending a predominantly white institution I was hyper aware of my race. The relationships I built with my roommates increased my confidence and changed my perception on what it means to be a black woman.
  • Happy Birthday Dad

    Happy Birthday Dad
    In this picture we are celebrating my step dad's 50th birthday. It represents how much my mother's side of the family values birthdays. Growing up our birthdays were a momentous occasion. Everyone came together to celebrate and made you feel special on your day. My step dad does not come from a family that celebrates birthdays and on his 50th birthday we gave him his very first birthday party. This event made me appreciate how my family celebrates birthdays and I hope to carry on the tradition.
  • Guatemala

    This photo is of me climbing a volcano in Guatemala.I moved there for 3 months to study and teach there while also living with a host family. I chose this image because the family that I lived with changed my perspective of how privileged I am in America. After living in a tin hut without air conditioning or electricity I now have a better appreciation of what I am blessed to have here at home.
  • Pleasant Run Elementary

    Pleasant Run Elementary
    This picture represents the school that I taught at my first year of teaching. I chose this image because this school changed my perspective of what it means to be a teacher in an urban school. This school changed my attitude about my desire to be a teacher. After my experience at this school where my students needed someone to cater to their social lives I altered my career goals to wanting to be a school counselor.
  • The Lenzys

    The Lenzys
    This photo is of my husband and son. I chose this photo because they have influenced my understanding of family dynamics. Growing up in a single parent home I was under the impression that mothers did everything and it was my responsibility to make sure everything was taken care of at home. I brought these ideas into my marriage and my husband and my son challenge these ideas everyday. I have adapted my style of living and have allowed my husband to be an active member in our home.
  • Sources

    Eviction Notice Image - March, 2018 (No photographer)