Part 1 of credit card

Credit Card

  • Enter College

    Enter College
    In 1 year from now/ 18 years old, I plan on going to college a week after i have graduated High School. I also plan on paying off my student loans in a few months. I'd see if i can make my payments as soon as i can.
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    5 years from now i'll be 22 years old. I plan on graduating college and my education and find a full time job. I'd want to see if i can qualify for a job that i will enjoy.
  • House of my own

    House of my own
    10 years from now, i'd be 27 years old. From then, i'd want to purchase a house of my own. I would pay off bills with the money i would have/ make from my job. I would like to pay off the bills on time and not miss any.
  • My 37 years of age

    20 years from now, i'll be 37 years old. From this point, i'd like to become capable of paying house bills and have not missed any in the past. My Credit Card would be used to pay payments and bills (car, house,any other vehicles) over the phone and/or online. Finally continue my job that i would have after graduating college.