This Is Me.

  • Surgery

    It all started with me hurting my ankle and needing an x-ray. Then I kept going to different doctors and none of it made sense to me. Eventually this one doctor told me that I had a tumor in my leg and that I would need surgery. He said that if I didn't get the surgery then my bone could snap any day from any amount of activity. Everything about this terrified me but it taught me that even though something might seem scary it could be totally worth it in the end.
  • Aren't Sports Supposed to be Fun?

    Aren't Sports Supposed to be Fun?
    It was my first year playing lacrosse and it was my first tournament. The day was going great and it was so much fun. Then we were told that we had made it to semifinals. We were all SO excited. I was standing on the sidelines for most of the game and I finally got the courage to ask my coach if I can go in. He turned and looked at me and said "I am only going to play who is going to win." I knew I wasn't good but that crushed me. I was only 9 and it was rec. I thought it was supposed to be fun.
  • Bronze Award

    Bronze Award
    For my Girl Scount Bronze Award my troop decided to collect school supplies for kids at school who needed help obtaining them. I went around my entire neighborood and left a piece of paper explaining what we were doing at each house. The following week my parents and I went and collected all the supplies people left for us. I will never forget how amazing I felt that I was able to collect all those supplies and knowing that I made a difference. To this day I am still extremely proud of myself.
  • I learned bikes have chains.

    I learned bikes have chains.
    The 5th grade biatholon. I was determined to place and I knew I could. As the runners are almost back, I see my partner right up front and I know we have a chance to win. As soon as she taps my hand I push off to go down the hill. I'm picking up lots of speed and at the bottom of the hill I begin to start peddling... but something feels wrong. The pedals are spinning but the wheels are not moving. I'm at a standstill. I'm confused and I start to cry as I watch everyone ride past me.
  • Hair Grows Back

    Hair Grows Back
    I had wanted a big change and decided to chop most of my hair off. If you asked me then, I would have told you I hated it, it was ugly and that I regret it so much. If you ask me now I will tell you that I wouldn't change it for a thing. I lost friends, I got made fun of and overall it was a miserable time for me but I learned a lot from it. I learned who were good friends and who werent. I learned that I am stronger than I ever knew and I learned that bad times pass just as hair grows back.
  • My dad said YES

    My dad said YES
    My first dog died when I was 7. For years my brother and I had begged my parents for a dog. My dad ALWAYS said no. Until one day I sent him the link to a dog adoption. I just figured he would tell me the dogs were cute and move on with his day as always. But this time he filled out the forms and two days later we took home my dog Ryder. His change of heart about getting a dog surprised me so much and I was so excited.
  • Quitting being a lacrosse goalie

    Quitting being a lacrosse goalie
    Growing up I loved sports because they were fun. Being a lacrosse goalie gave me so many opportunities and at first it was so fun. I was starting on JV in 7th grade and I was playing on club teams. I was being told that I was amazing and that I could go D1 and soon that became my dream, but with all that came so much stress. It ruined it for me. I hated all the pressure instead of just being myself and having a good time. I fell out of love and I quit and that was the best decision I have made.
  • Walk for Water

    Walk for Water
    I did the Walk for Water my freshamn year of high school. Due to covid, we were not in school to do it so it was all up to me and if I wanted to do it. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to spend 6 hours of my day walking but I decided to do it and I am so thankful I did. I never realized how easy I had it compared to others. A necessity for everyone has always been so easily accessable to me and I just assumed it was that way for everyone. I was so wrong and this taught me to be more grateful.
  • End of my childhood

    End of my childhood
    I mark this day the end of my childhood. Around half my family lives in Canada and growing up we would always go and vist. We would stay at my grandmas house every single time. It was like a second home for me. I have so many amazing memories there and that house is a big part of my life. My grandmother died during the pandemic and I knew nothing would ever be the same. On this day the house was fully cleaned out and I walked out the doors for the last time in my life and closed that chapter.
  • First Varsity Field Hockey Goal

    First Varsity Field Hockey Goal
    When I was on JV I scored in every single game at least once. On varsity, most of the season had went by and I had not scored and it was very frustrating. However, I never let it get to me. I played as hard as I could in every single game and I was working hard at practice. Finally during one of the last games, I got my goal. It was very difficult for me because I was so used to being one of the best but it taught me that not giving up feels so amazing when you finally succeed.
  • Morgan Wallen Concert

    Morgan Wallen Concert
    I have been listening to Morgan Wallen for around 2 years. When he announced he was going on tour I immediatley begged my parents for tickets and they bought them for me. It was on a Thursday night and I was hesitant because school tends to stress me out. I ended up going and I am so glad I did. The pure happiness I felt in the couple hours I was there taught me that I am still a kid and I shouldn't be giving up all my hapiness and fun over school work.
  • Starbucks

    I was ordering at Starbucks and there was a line of people behind me. When I went to pay, the total ended up being $10.37 so I payed with $20 and 50 cents. I then told the cashier that they could keep the change meaning the 13 cents but when he didn't give me the $10 back I realized that he didn't undertsand what I meant. Instead of clarifying, I walked away because I was embarrassed and there were people behind me. This taught me that if I let my brain get in the way I am the one who loses.