Church History

  • Fall of Jerusalem 70 AD

    Fall of Jerusalem 70 AD
    The fall of Jerusalem pushed the church to move outwards and continue separating itself from Judaism. This left the church in a state where they needed to establish a foundation. In the foundation they established a canon which is like an authoritative books of scripture, leadership which was the bishops, and last but certainly not the least they established creeds which are the basics of belief.
  • Council of Nicea 325 AD

    Council of Nicea 325 AD
    The council of Nicea was held becuase there was arguments on Jesus' divinity. The argument was about Arianism which says that God the father God the Father is greater than Christ which was rejected as heresy after the meeting. This meeting increased communications between Rome and the Church.
  • Council of Chalcedon 451 AD

    Council of Chalcedon 451 AD
    The council of Chalcedon was a meeting held to decide if the human and God in Jesus worked together. At the end of the meeting they decided that Jesus is one person who is fully God and man. Also extra-biblical terms are used to expound on ideas in scriputre
  • St.Benedict's rule/Monistary 530 AD

    St.Benedict's rule/Monistary 530 AD
    Written in 530 AD St.Benedicts rule was a book that described the way to live a life as a spiritual athlete in the monastary. The book described that despite both the strengths and the weaknesses that can be seen in this way of living the immense range depth and spiritual vigor of monasticism was the driving force of the christian faith for a very long time.
  • The Coronation of Charlemagne 800 AD

    The Coronation of Charlemagne 800 AD
    The Pope starts to get more powerful the the emporer becuase he was considered the spokesperson of God. He gave the crown to the most powerful ruler in Europe and this showed the synthesis between the Roman Empire and the Church. But man's sinful nature will always take over and that will lead to abuses of power in the Church.
  • Diet of worms 1521

    Diet of worms 1521
    Martin Luther refused to recant his writings and teachings infront of the Roman emperor and others that were at worms for his trail. It was a good thing too becuase his words changed Chrirstianity was viewed. They showed that indugences were fake. And that Grace is sho through the self-giving life and the sacrificed death of Jesus Christ. His writtings split the church and caused religious war which lead to the lead to the protestant reformation and catholic counter-reformation.
  • The Greats Schism of 1054 AD

    The Greats Schism of 1054 AD
    There was a big issue that made the church seperate and one of them was people questioning the papals authority. After this occured the Crusades take action and that causes there to be more of a seperation between Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.
  • The Conversion of the Wesleys (1738 ad)

    The Conversion of the Wesleys (1738 ad)
    The Wesley brothers and their friends translated the bible in a way that the working class could understand it. They took the bible from the church and spread it around to all kinds of people. They started going against major things like slavery and alchohl. And they also changed education for the better. They were the forefathers of outdoor evangelism. The Wesleys and a guy named Whitefield were the fist "awaking" in the american churches.
  • The Edinburgh Missionary Conference (1910 AD)

    The Edinburgh Missionary Conference (1910 AD)
    This conference showed that there was an great expansion of missions and that more Missionarys wanted to spread the word of God. But this came at a cost. Thousands of Christians were martyred. So the church decided to take different forms in different cultures. There many people who celebrate God but some of them celebrate in differant ways but all ways are beautiful.