French revolution

chapter 3 timeline-the french revolution

  • Louis XVI becomes king

    Louis XVI becomes king
    he came to the throne in 1774.
    he was not preared to be a king
    he did not meet the standards for a king
  • the estates general summoned

    the estates general summoned
    estates general finally met in may
    its members would not bow to the king's wish
    frence had a kind of parliament known as the estates general.
  • fall of the bastille

    fall of the bastille
    bastille was well known to people for all the riots
    the mob attacked the prisons
    the mob free political prisoner
  • louis XVI executed

    louis XVI executed
    louis did little to improve conditons for the middle class
    the war and other events had made many people dislike the royal family.
    the citizens decided to charge the king for his crime.
  • reign of terror begins

    reign of terror begins
    th reign of terror started in 1793 and ended in 1794.
    revolutionary government had extraordinary powers
    more harsh laws were passed
  • marie antoinette executed

    marie antoinette executed
    marie did little to win the hearts of her subjects.
    she was very extravagant, love to fine things
    she was a member of the Austrian royal family.
  • fall of Robespierre

    fall of Robespierre
    robespierre destroyed oppostion to stay at the top
    Robespierre make changes in fance
    the metric system was introduced at that time.
  • directory meets

    directory meets
    rule of robespierre was replaced with the directory
    directory was controlled by the middle class
    directory gave power to people with property