Chapter 14 Review France

  • Period: Oct 30, 1225 to Oct 30, 1274


    had views oppoosite hobbes, said humans were naturally social
  • Period: Nov 7, 1400 to


    hereditary privilage, nobles of sword/robe
  • Period: Oct 30, 1569 to


    deductive reasoning, analytic geometry, two realms: mental and physical
  • Period: Oct 30, 1577 to


    painted the banquet hall to remember James I
  • Period: Oct 30, 1578 to


    discovered the circulation of blood throughout the body
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    Humans are born bad, need absolute government
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    commissioned by urban VIII to paint St. Peter's Basilica and sculpt st tereasa
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    overestimate reason, famous wager
  • Leviathan

    Hobbes attacks gov. after English Civil War
  • Royal Society of London Founded

    science and religion seperate, science enterprise, English projectors
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    Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

    Also wrote the Persian Letters, as well as the Turkish Embassy Letters.
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    He was the first philosophe. He was a socially irreverant writer. He went to exile in England and liked the government. Was a strong monarchist.
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    against english over trade policies
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    Overregulation leads to little income.
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    Economic reformers.
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    He wrote the Persian Letters. He thorized on government and wrote The Spirit of the Laws. He also came up with the idea of checks and balances and wanted a small government role in life.
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    Countess Emilie Day Chatelet

    She was a brilliant mathematician and writer who lived with Voltaire in France.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    He hated materialism, taught that humans were born good. Wrote the social contract in 1762. Thought men and women can have separate spheres.
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    Denis Diderot

    Co-author of the Encyclopedia.
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    Believes the human mind can reason
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    Etienne Charles Lomenie de Briennie

    He replaced Calonne. Said only the state's general could authorize tax. The assembly of the clergy did not approve, and reduced its donations.
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    Chatelet and Voltaire

    French composition popularizing newtons science
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    Jacques Necker

    An optimistic Swiss banker who spun the debt against the monarch.
  • Voltaire's Writings

    Letters to the English praised the English government.
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    Charles Alexandre de Calonne

    Proposed more internal trade, lower taxes, and transforming peasant labor services into money payments. He also wanted a new land tax that everyone would have to pay.
  • Emilie de Chatelet's works

    Elements of the Philosophy of Newton
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    war with england
  • The charter

    Monarch-appointed the chamber of peers instead of that of deputies. There was a constitution written for Louis XVIII.
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    taxes on peasents

    peasents owed fuedal dues
  • war breaks out

    france indian war
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    Marie Antoinette

    She helped give the monarchy a bad reputation.
  • defense

    convention of westminister
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    seven year war

    vs russia
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    Marquis de Lafayette

    Made the cockade.
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    Maximillion De Robespierre

    He defended terror to the succes of the revolution
  • end of war

    treaty of paris
  • Napolean is born

  • Napolean is born

    He was born on a mediterranian Island to a poor family
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    Napolean Bonaparte

    used guns to make peace in and out of France with the treaties of Basel.
  • Rene Naupeou

    Appointed as Chancellor, ant--Parliament.
  • Encyclopedia

  • Period: to


    The French government comes out of the Seven Years War with a large debt.
  • Assembly of Notables

    A group nominated by the royal ministry from the upper ranks of society who would not support Calonne.
  • Necker

  • Doubling the third

    Third estate elects twice as many reps in a compromise to try to keep everyone happy.
  • Third estate

    Invites clergy and nobles to join a new legislative body.
  • National Assembly

    Third estate and some priests adopted this name.
  • Assembly

    Second estate voted to join the assembly.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Members sat until France was given a constitution.
  • Bastille

    Peasants storm for weapons.
  • Night of August 4

    Nobility renounces rights
  • Declaration of the rights of man and citizen

    Inherent rights in France.
  • Abbe Sieyes

    Commented on the third estate in the pamphlet, saying they had been nothing and now want to be something. When they rebelled against the same number of representatives and having one vote per state.
  • The great fear

    Peasant revolts because of food.
  • Parisian women march on Versailles

    Intimidated the leader Louis XVI, who followed them back to Paris.
  • Burden of Proof

    The assembly had peasants prove themselves rid of residual feudal deuce
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    Nikolas Appert

    invents caned food
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Reduced number of bishops, took church under state control
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    Government bonds fluctuated in worth
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    Achieves its independence through a revolt led by slaves.
  • Constitution

    Established a unitcameral legislature and gave the monarch a suspensive veto and indirect elections.
  • Chapelier Law

    Destroyed guilds
  • Royal Family

    Tries to flea to Varennes but is caught
  • Pauline Leon

    Led a petition for women in the military
  • 2/3 Law

    2/3 of the convention had to be from the National Assembly
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    Olympe De Gouges

    Composed the Declaration of the Rights of Women
  • Mary Wollstonecraft

    Writes A Vindication of the Rights of Women. Declared that women should be equal in every sense of the word.
  • FRamcis the second

    He declared war on Austria
  • Duke of Brunswick

    Issued a manifesto threatining to destroy Paris if the royal family were harmed.
  • September Masacres

    1200 people were murdered in city jails by the Paris commune
  • American convention

    Wrote the constitution
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    Louis the XVI

    Tried and beheaded
  • Jacobins

    Begins to direct France which is at war with Austria, Prussia, Great Britian, Spain, Sardinia, and Holland
  • Reign of Terror begins

    People jailed and killed without reason.
  • The Committee of General Security and the Committee of Pubic Safety

    are established
  • Society of Revolutionar Republican Women

    fought internal enemies
  • DeChristionazation of France

    New calendar
  • Constitution of the yar 3

    Council of elders and council of 500
  • Cult of the Supreme Being

    Robespierre was shouted down when he tried to make a speach
  • The thermadorian reaction

    tempered the evolution
  • The white terror

    Opposite of the great terror and JacobBins were outlawed
  • Jean-Baptiste Delambre

    Helps create the metric system
  • Treaty of Campo Formio

    France beats Austria in the war
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    adolphe thiers

    negotiated a settlement with prussia
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    Auguste Conte

    Develops positivism, a philosophy of human intellect, that culminated in science.
  • Second Coalition against France

    Austrians and Ottomans
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    Saint Simonianism

    Belived in rational management and not the redistribution of wealth.
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    Louis Napoleon

    Descendent of Napoleon, again seized power.
  • Napoleanic Code

    Safeguarded property
  • Treaty of Tilset

    Prussia and Russia ally, Frances gains confirmd over river.
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    Restored bouborn power in France and hoped to satisfy Napolean
  • The 100 days

    Napolean's return
  • Louis XVIII

    Louis XVIII rearranges the government to become more conservative.
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    Charles X's reign

    Charles X's reign
  • The July revolution

    Charles takes Algiers and issues the four ordinances calling for a coup d'etat.
  • Belgium

    Becomes independent
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    Charles' successor

    Louis Phillippe rules the July monarchy and had limited rights.
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    Struck all classes, making a demand for cleanliness, so people would be happy and not revolt.
  • Literacy

    Fewer than half of the people in France spoke French.
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    Louis Philippe

    Crowds erected barricades against him.
  • Falloux Law

    Local priests provide religious education in public schools.
  • Melun Act

    Expanded governmental power in relation to public health.
  • The London Great Exhibition

    Held in the Crystal Palace. Displayed the products and new material life that had been forged.
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    Napoleon the Third

    Thought an activist foreign policy would shore up domestic support for his regime.
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    Napolean III

    authoritarian rule
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    Baron Georges Hoaussmann

    Napoleon III appointed him to reconstruct Paris and make the roads bigger to get soldiers through quickly. It enhanced beauty and created jobs.
  • Crimean War

    France allies with the Ottomans against Russia.
  • End of Crimean War

    Russia falls to France and Britain.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Ended the Crimean War, required Russia to surrender territory near the Danube River, recognized the neutrality of the Black Sea, and renounced its plans to protect Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire.
  • Provoke war

    France and Italy try to provoke war against Austria.
  • Britan

    free trade treaty
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    Napolean III.

    liberal years
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    Napolean IIIs foreign policy failed
  • London

    Construction of a subway system begins.
  • The International Working Mens Association

    aka First International, encouraged trade unions.
  • The Suez Canal

    A hugh trade route
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    Franco Prussian War

    Isabella II deposed. Leopold replaced her, which Bismarkck knew France would object strongly to. On July 12, Count Vincent went to visit Leopold, whose father recalled his candidacy, which made Bismarck mad, so he released an edited copy of the transcript to start a war.
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    Civilizing Imperialism

    France begins it's "civilizing mission"
  • Paris Commune established

    new municipal government had its roots in anarchism
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    Basilica of the Sacred Heart

    The Roamn Catholic Church oversaw the construction as an act of penance for French defeat against Prussia.
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    Department stores expend.
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    Worker reform program

    Instituted in a back-and-forth with Bismarck.
  • The Eiffel Tower

    Originally a temporary structure for international trade.
  • Erfurt program

    Declared the doom of capitalism.
  • Period: to


    accused on trumped up charges of espionage
  • J'accuse

    written by zola to defend dreyfus
  • Womens rights

    National Council of French Women founded.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    France sells cheap land to the U. S.
  • Anglo French Entente

    Loose alliance as a result of the Fashoda incident.
  • The second Moroccan crisis

    This showed the British and French how much they needed each other.
  • French Senate

    Defeats womens voting bill.
  • Default

    Declares Germany to be in default of its war debt payments.
  • Ruhr

    France invades for payment.
  • The popular front ministry

    Socialists and communists work together. Collapsed in 1938.
  • The Second Sex

    Feminist book written by Simone Bouliver
  • THe end of the Algerian War

    French Coloiats move back to France