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Cam A and Andin's Timeline

By Cam A
  • Period: 250 to 900


    Built cities in what is now Mexico and Central America. These cities contained large public plazas lined with pyramids, temples, Ball courts, places.
  • 509

    Roman Government and Law

    Roman Government and Law
    The Romans over threw their king and set up a republic. In the roman republic an elected senate and Assembly made the laws. Romes code of laws defined the rights of citizens. According to the code everybody was equal under the law.
  • 600

    Rise of Islam

    Rise of Islam
    The Rise of Islam religion helped trade grow. Islams founder was the profit Muhammad and he taught that there was one true god.
  • 1000

    Eastern Woodlands

    Eastern Woodlands
    Hundreds of years ago most of what is now the Eastern United States was covered by forest of maples, birches, pines, and beeches.A number of the woodlands people had taken up farming and the lived by hunting, fishing and forging for nuts and berries
  • 1000

    The East African Trade Center

    The East African Trade Center
    The most powerful trade center was Zimbabwe and it lay on the East Cost and the interior of Africa. Passers going through had to pay high taxes on there goods.
  • 1050


    They had higher level of technology then any other form of civilization and they invented printing with movable type. They also made great advances in navigation and they also invented a compass.
  • 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    The leader of the roman catholic church (Pope Urban II) declared a holy war. Its object was to win back control of the region known as the Holy land, the land where Jesus had lived and taught.
  • 1200

    West African Trade Centers

    West African Trade Centers
    Ghana was the first major trade center in this area. The kingdom was located sources of salt on the desert and gold fields farther south.
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The was a rebirth of learning known as the Renaissance. European scholars rediscovers the classical texts of Ancient Grease and Rome. Artist reflated a new interest in subject that had influenced ancient thinkers.
  • 1400


    Had a weak number of rulers and when nomads captured Timbuktu the empire had been in the decline for some time and it would be replaced Songhai.
  • Period: 1438 to 1533


    They constructed buildings of huge stones carefully shaped to fit together.They produced fine weaving's and metalwork. They lived on the mountains
  • 1500


    They consist of 5 nations and they went through constant war. They convinced there people to make peace and they formed a league of Iroquois and it established a council to make laws but each tribe was still free to deal with its own affairs.
  • 1500

    The Muslim Link and Trade

    The Muslim Link and Trade
    It was a complex trade network that linked Europe, Africa and Asia.
  • 1517

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    A German monk named Martian Luther demanded that the Roman Catholic church reform. His demand was rejected so he rebelled against the church authority. The movement Lutheran led was Protestant Reformation.
  • Judiasm

    System of beliefs called Judaism among the Israelite's, a nomadic people of the middle east and it was first major world religion to teach monotheism