ch. 18

By zvig99
  • Period: Feb 5, 1550 to


  • Feb 5, 1560

    Calvinism becomes highly militant

    The calvinist begin to gain power over the goverment in Europe. They started to eliminate the catholoism power.
  • Feb 5, 1566

    Philip Crushes Calvinism

    Calvins started a rebellion in the Neatherlands. When vilonce erupted King Philip sent 10,000 troups to crush the rebillion.
  • Feb 5, 1571

    Battle Of Lepanto

    KIng Phillip was in a holy leage aginst the Turks. As a result from this he had a stunning victory aginst the Turkish fleet in the battle of Lepanto.
  • Spanish Armada

    King Philip the II made prepartipons to send an Armada to invade England. A succcessful invasion of England that overthrew protestantism.
  • The End of Philips reign

    Spain was not the great power that it used to be after the Armada was battered. Spaiin was the most populist in the world but it was bankedrup cause philip II spent to much on war.
  • Death of Queen Elizabeth

    The death of Queen Elizabeth I ended the tudor dynasty. The stuart line of rulers began when Elizabeths cousin accended the english thrown and became james I.
  • 12-Year Truce

    The duch resitence in the notherner provinces led by William the silent also know as the Prince of orange. In 1609 a 12 year truce finally ended the war. The notheren provences started calling themselves the united provinces of the Neatherlands.
  • Silver Loss

    The slow down in the economy was caused by a decrese in silver importation. The silver slow down was caused by pirate attects and their mines proudcing less silver.
  • Population Decline

    The populition had levled off and started to declined. Plague, warfare, famine contrubited to the decline of the populition.
  • Supreme Power

    After Cardinal Mazarin died in 1661. Louis XIV took over for supreme power. He was only 23 when he took the throne
  • hugernots fled

    in 1664 louis persuded anti prostented policy amied at converting the huguenots to chatolicism. he destroyed there churches and closed there schools. 200,000 huguenots fled to england.
  • Royal Power

    Louis developed a standing army of 400,000 in the time of war. he wanted to dominate all of Europe. but nations formed coaitions.
  • austrialn empior

    austrialen hapsburgs played a significant role in european politiics as emperors. By the end of the thirty years war their hopes of creating an empire in germany had been dashed
  • Ivan the terrable

    He had one of the very first absolute monarcys in russia. He was called the terriable because he stabbed his son in an arument.
  • Sun King

    in 1715 Sun King died he left france surrounded by enemies and many french inpoverity.