French revolution

Brian's French Revolution

By 21bott
  • Jacques Necker

    Jacques Necker
    Jacques Necker was someone who the people liked and the king brought him in to find a solution to the revolution. His ideas were that the first and second estate should pay taxes and that the extravagant spending was reduced. The king later fired him because the first and second estate did not want to pay taxes and they were not happy at the king.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon was a successful general and quickly rose to power after turning the war around from France losing badly to wining and taking over the whole continent. He was apart of the new governing body, consulate, and became the first consul for life. He was emperor. He replaces liberty, equality, fraternity to order, security, efficiency. He also creates the reforms, religious tolerance, peasants allowed land, jobs based on merit not high position, controlled prices means people better fed.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    Louis XVI decided to get the representatives from the estates together, and they wrote their problems called cahiers. When they voted, everyone has one vote so the third estate always loses. So after the meeting the third estate gets together and makes a "real" government called Tennis Court Oath.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    When the people, third estate, hear that the king is sending troops to Paris they riot. The Bastille was seen as a symbol of authority but to the people it was an abusing prison for the people that made the king mad. When the riots killed the general they took it over.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a revolt against the first and second estate. It happened because the third estate, which was the largest and poorest, paid all the taxes. The queen put the country in debt and that made the taxes higher in price. The king didn't try to fix it and they both didn't care about the people that were dying of starvation and disease. The people thought that if the king and queen didn't care about their people that we need new royalty.