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By qorrea
  • Day of my birth

    Day of my birth
    I was born on July 19, 2004, weighing 3kg and measuring 51cm
  • My first hallowen

    My first hallowen
    My first hallowen my parents thought it was a good idea to dress up as a bear and the truth is that I looked very cute and tender
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    That day I received the Catholic faith but it was useless I'm a devil (Hahahahaha)
  • My second halloween

    My second halloween
    My second Halloween, they dressed me up as a police officer and according to what my parents told me, I was the sensation of all the places they took me to order sweets
  • My birthday number 4

    My birthday number 4
    On my 4th birthday I received my first instrument (drums), I always liked music
  • Living alone with my mom

    Living alone with my mom
    Due to certain family circumstances I went to live alone with my mom for a long time and we had a very good time indeed
  • My BMX experience

    My BMX experience
    I really liked sports that had to do with vehicles, in this case the bicycle, I wanted to be in the "X Games"
  • My 9th birthday

    My 9th birthday
    As I have always liked the instruments they gave me an electric guitar, I wanted to be like "Hendrix"
  • My first time in Buenaventura

    My first time in Buenaventura
    That day I met the Pacific Ocean and I saw the whales for the first time.