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  • 8.1 Rite of Passage

    Being raised Catholic one big part of catholicism is the ceremony of First Communion. I remember it was a really big deal. I was only 7 at the time and my parents threw a big party afterwards. Family from out of state even came down for the one hour mass and ceremony. I wore a beautiful white dress with pearls and felt like a princess at the center of attention. Taking part in this ceremony showed a new commitment and new responsibilities towards my faith.
  • 2.1 Typical Maturer

    I hit puberty at age 12. Among my friends I fell in the middle as far as who did first. I noticed the text states people who matured earlier typically had more sexual activity, and more likely to engage in substance abuse. From my observations this really accurate but it wasn't my case. But i'm also not saying that I was a late maturer because once I did hit puberty I had a massive growth spurt. I also wouldn't consider my behavior during that time "problem behavior" or anything concerning.
  • 4.1 Gender-typed Behavior

    Before puberty I was pretty shy and after puberty hit that all changed. From my late middle school years to all four years of highschool and even now, I have been told that I am a social butterfly. I'm the amiable outgoing type that most definitley engages in rapport talk. My personality much like my mother's is very prosocial. I can walk up to just about anyone (on a good day) and inroduce or start a conversation if necessary.
  • 2.2 Niche-picking

    Growing up I was always super active. I played lacrosse in high school, ran cross country and track, and lastly swam in a summer league. I guess you could say sports was my "niche". I've always had a hyper personality so needless to say piano lessons never worked out. Sports is where I had the highest compatability. I made all my close friends through sports. Another conributor to this love of sports was my father. He's been active duty military for over 30 years so he is athletic as well.
  • 7-1 Transition to High School

    I went to a private catholic school for 11 years. My elementary and middle school years were all spent in the same school, considering most private schools provide grades K-12. So my transition t high school was a big deal for me at the time. I was more excited than nervous because of my readiness to explore a new envirnoment and new relationships. This all sounded great to me. But of course I experienced normal nerves/stresses of hoping to fit in and a smooth transition.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolscence

    In 2009 I was about 13 years old, at this time I beleive I entered adolescence. This is when I was leaving middle school and entering the big bad highschool. I started deep down to worry about what others thought of me, this time was also when I was the most rebellious with my parents and seeking independence, and lastly I began to change. When I say change I mean it more in growth terms physically and personally. My transition definitley matches the text (pages 17-18).
  • 3.1 Imaginary Audience

    While reading through the text about egocentrism and adolescents experiencing the thoughts/feelings of all eyes on them, I immediatley thought back to my private school days. I went to a private catholic school for almost ten years, all ten years uniforms were recquired. They were not exactly fashionable and mostly plaid. Any time I had to leave school early for a doctor's appointment I would literally beg or perhaps throw a fit if my mom wouldn't let me change to a "cooler" outfit before going.
  • 4.2 Non-Gender typed behavior

    Now I was never a bully but I can remember exactly who was in my adolescent years. Another word for bully in the textbook is relational aggression. These were the girls who spread negative rumours or stirred up nothing but drama and trouble. Luckily I was usually the peacemaker trying to find the good in everyone, which ironically still is my personality.
  • 3.2 Abstraction

    As an adolescent I labeled who I was more as how other people saw me. This past summer I found a bunch of old diaries and I talked about being short, funny, hyper yet all of these weren't exactly true labels of who I was. One diary entry explained who I was without my younger self realizing it. Sadly I didn't date my entries, but a neighbor lost their son unexpectedly, this son also happened to have a daughter. I had lost my last moler the night before & on my own I gave my $5 to the girl.
  • 6.1 Parent-Adolescent Conflict

    I was definitely one to argue and question everything with my parents. Almost to the point where I enjoyed being a smart ass. In the text it says that adolescents question more than in childhood why they are being punished or areless accepting of a statement. Also increasing idealistic thought plays into adolescents becoming overly defensive after a comment made by the parent that wasn't even meant to offend. I think all of this plays into the fact that I used to be super emotional and dramatic.
  • 6.2 Stimulation

    I can think of one friend of mine in high school who always had a story to tell or something fun planned. She had an older sister and older brother so she was more knowledgable in some areas than those of us without older siblings. She was also who I typically called my "partner in crime". Whether what we were doing was okay or not I always had so much fun with her and she helped me push my limits in a lot of ways.
  • 7.3 Intrinsic Motivation

    My instrinsic motivation came from my competitive side. I remember in high school/middle school whenever a test was handed back everyone, no matter what the teacher said, we would compare grades. I would be mortified if I didn't have as good of a grade as my classmates did. The other motivation came from my parents constantly reminding me that we have to work to have the 'good things" in life. Well as an adolescent those two factors were enough to make me self-determined.
  • 3.3 Social Comparison

    During my high school years I labeled myself as sporty, caring, social, and funny. Being the only deaf girl at my school I feel like I allowed that to label myself as well. Some people who were unaware of my deafness, people often forgot considering I could speak clearly, would think I was ignoring them or being rude. So a new label arose from my deafness, bitch. I honestly would not hear someone saying something they thought was loud and immeadiatly assumed I was avoiding or ignoring them.
  • 7-2 Transition to College

    I feel like my transition to High School and to College were both very similar but College seemed a bit more intimidating, given my special cirumstances. I was throwing myself into a culture and language I really knew nothing of. College itself is a huge leap of independence. First time living away from home and doing alot more decision making for yourself. But with this freedom there is plenty of stress. Luckily I made friends quickly and have a great supprt system both at home and at school.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    During my college years and still now, I feel that I emerged into adulthood. It was my first time away from home, making several choices independently, and worrying about the future more than ever before. After the first year of college I started dating my serious boyfriend, backpacked two countries in one summer and started a job on campus. This all had to do with my identity exploration and some times of instability. All of this time leading towards my personal growth.
  • 6.3 Intimacy

    This friend I met in my high school freshman english class and I still see her as one of my closest friends today. Our relationship had its ups and downs as any would but we've always been there for eachother and we've been through a lot. When she was going through a rough time with her family she actually lived with me for about a month and she is still super close with my mom as well. We've seen eachother at our worst and shared some our greatest kept secrets with eachother.