
Mcliechey Family

  • my birth

    my birth
    the best day. 7:02am
  • Period: to


  • went to mexico

    went to mexico
    my first trip and only other time ive been out of the country minus canada and antigua
  • started walking + talking

    started walking + talking
    idk what my first words were or when i walked but i did
  • potty trained

    potty trained
    one day my mom ran out of diapers so told me not to pee in my underwear and i never did again
  • started pre-school

    started pre-school
    went to school for the first time .. i only remember eating animal crackers and drinking apple juice everyday
  • hannah came to america

    hannah came to america
    my cousin came here from veitnam and i was forced to befriend her because none of the other cousins wanted to talk to her
  • obama becomes president

    obama becomes president
    First black president in American History.
  • mom was awarded DSM for the first time

    mom was awarded DSM for the first time
    this was the first of many more times ro come that my mom got rewarded for all of her hard work
  • my first concert

    my first concert
    for my birthday, my mom took me to arizona to see my favorite person ever, zendaya. She signed me up for the meet and greet as a surprise birthday gift
  • first time at disney world

    first time at disney world
    We took our entire family on my mom's side to Florida and stayed in a condo
  • bazius was born

    bazius was born
  • started cheering

    started cheering
    Started All-Star cheer and did really well. Beginning of my cheer career
  • dad turned 51

    dad turned 51
    I would have done his 50th but I already had something for 2014. He's old.
  • legalized same sex marriage

    legalized same sex marriage
    SC case Obergefell v Hodges ruled that same sex couples have the right to marry. big day for members of the LGBT+ community
  • watched the sound of music

    watched the sound of music
    we had to watch it in music class and it ignited my love for musical theater .. also my favorite movie
  • moved to byron center

    moved to byron center
    first time moving houses! biggest culture shock of my life.
  • first theatre performance

    first theatre performance
    grct .. i only did it once after that because i couldn't project my voice and when i wanted to try it again covid hit
  • got slimed

    got slimed
    Went to the first ever Slimefest (so my sister could see jojo siwa) and i got up to the front to see liam payne
  • first day of hs

    first day of hs
    moved into a new school
  • coronavirus

    a bit of a pandemic .. we all got quarantined ahh scary
  • mackaroni dies

    mackaroni dies
    one of my dads closest friends passes away. feels like my childhood died along with him
  • birthday !!

    birthday !!
    turned 17. went to cheesecake factory w/ friends
  • graduate hs

    graduate hs