Bethany's Bio

  • The day I was concieved

    this is my birthday. this OBVIOUSLY started everything in my life. i was born in the afternoon, not the morning.
  • Period: to

    my miserable life

  • the day I moved to Atlanta, GA

    I didn't know at the time but moving to Atlanta would change my whole life. I've met so many people dealt with so many cultures and it was amazing. Being in Atlanta shaped me in ways I can't even explain.
  • The day I started my first high school

    So my first year of high school was in North Atlanta, The North Springs Spartans, it was a charter school my freshman year but it lost its charter my sophomore year. This school changed me because at first I had been going to a predominately black/hispanic school on the south side of Atlanta, it was the first time I had ACTUALLY been at a school where its predominately white. I had to start riding the train to get to school, because i still lived on the south side.
  • The day I moved back to "the Delph"

    This was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do in my life. moving away from a big city to a small town where the only people I knew were my grandparents and my mother's younger brother. I had to leave behind so many good memories and re-start a whole new life. This is awful.
  • My mother's passing

    So my mother passed away less than 6 months after we moved here, almost exactly 2 weeks after my birthday. It's hard to deal with a lot of things now but i'm managing. This is the biggest change that has happened in my whole life.