
  • French Society Divided

    French Society Divided
    There was a paris wallpaper that started a up-roar in society. At this time there were many financial issues. There were many rumours that the boss was cutting wages. By July, many were getting unemployed and they became angy. People broke up into 3 estates. The church owned 10% of land. The monarchy was spending more then they were making. Louis XIV left in debt. Louis XV a financial aid help bring him out of debt. That did not work.
  • Louis XVI Calls Estates General

    Louis XVI Calls Estates General
    By the end of 1788, France was bankrupt. The king met up with the Estates General the next year at Versailles. The king had the three Estates make up notebooks of their problems. The third estate wanted a reform. By May of 1789 they all met up together. A vote took place. In June 1798, France claimed to now be a National Assembly. All met up at the Tennis Court and made an oath about never seperating themselves again through the worst.
  • Parisians Stormed the Bastille

    Parisians Stormed the Bastille
    Paris seized the National Assmebly. The streets buzzed buzzed with rumours that the troops were going to soon occupy the capital. 800 Parisians assmebled outside of Bastille. Bastille refused to open gates and open fired. The Parisians killed the comander and let prisoners go. Bastille was a symbol fo the abusive Monarchy. This event for France is now symbolized as their independece day.
  • Political Crisis Leads to Revolt/National Assembly Acts

    Political Crisis Leads to Revolt/National Assembly Acts
    The Politcal Crisis was said to be the worst famine. Rumours spread that troops would take away crops. At this time a loaf of bread was equal to one months salary. Paris was in major turmoil. Nobles gave up their monorial dues. They then held a metting August 4th, 1789. Feudilism was abolished and many thought that this was the start to a new revolution. They created the Declaration of Man which stated that all were bron equal. On October 5th of 1789, women stormed to Versailles.
  • Political Crisis Leads to Revolt/National Assembly Acts #2

    Political Crisis Leads to Revolt/National Assembly Acts #2
    They demamded to see the king. King did not respond and the women made the king take them back to Paris. Later, assembly wanted to sell the church land. The church then became angry. Assembly then creates a new constituition. People thought that this was defiently a new start to a revolution. The king then tried to escape from France and tried to make his way to Austria. He was caught at the border and was sent back to Versailles.
  • Threats Come Abroad

    Threats Come Abroad
    At this time, the undercover escape by the king makes surrounding counrties furious. Other countires to to step in the situation and the Declaration of Pilnitz was created. This was to the declaration for other countries to get involved within the monarchy. Countires uprise and a war starts in April of 1792.
  • Radicals Take Over #2

    Radicals Take Over #2
    In support of the republic governemt was the Jacobins. These people were also known as the "working class."
  • Radicals Take Over

    Radicals Take Over
    Some of the Enlightment people veiwed this time in France as an oppurtunity to make themselves a better country. France veiwed this time as a denouncing time period. Many of the nobles and clergy tried to leave France. Many people from other countries turn their backs on France, such as Catherine the Great. In October of 1791, a new legislative aseembly took place. This lasted for no more than a year. The currency then dropped. The san-culottes wanted a republic based government.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    On August 10th, a crowd of Parisians sotrmed the royal palace of the Tuileries. The royal family then fled to the legislative assembly. A month later, citizens attacked prisons that held priests and nobles. Over 1,200 people were killed. Radicals called for a new legislative election. Suffarage becomes active which lets all men vote, not just property owners. In September of 1792, convention was held to abolish the monarchy. They create another new constitution The king and queen are executed.
  • Terror and Dnager Grip France

    Terror and Dnager Grip France
    France was now at war with Britian, Netherlands, Spain, and Prussia. In France, royalists and priests led peasants in rebellion against the goverment. The san-cullotes demanded for food. Soon after a convention was held and was divided between the Jacobins and the Girodins. The convention created a 12 man committee that was of absolute power. They prepared themselves for an all out war. Frnace then went into the Netherlands an Italy. They then made there way back and killed all who rebelled.
  • Terror and Danger Grip France #2

    Terror and Danger Grip France #2
    Robespierre was the leader of the committee. He was also the leader of the Reign of Terror from September of 1793 to July of 1794. Terror was thought of to be the only way that france could achieve their goals of the revolution. 300,000 were killed during this time period.
  • Third Stage of Revolution

    Third Stage of Revolution
    This was the third constitution created. This was known as the Constitution of 1795. This set up a 5 man directory and a two house legislature. (Elected by male citizens of property) Middle Class people of the bourgeoise were the most dominant. This held power from 1795-1799. Directory faced growing disconnect. Peace was made with Prussia and Spain, but not Austria and Britian.
  • Nationslism Spreads

    Nationslism Spreads
    By this time, France has changed like crazy. The monarchy was overthrown and the church was under state power. All social classes were considered to be "citizens." People had a strong sence of pride from the won wars. By 1793, the national anthem came about.