

  • birth

    I am leidy johanna jimenez sanchez was born on July 22, 2001 in cajica
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    It was a special day for my mom because the whole family was together.

    At three years old, my mother could not take care of me because I had to work and she did not have much time to spend with me. Therefore, he decided to let me take care of a nanny.
  • school

    At five years old, it was my first day of preschool school. My mom says that I started to cry, I even took her leg so she would not leave, because I did not know anyone.
  • Read and write

    Read and write
    When I entered first grade, I began to recognize the numbers and I learned to read and know the colors.
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    When I was seven years old, my mother and my father decided to take me to church and with the priest to prepare me for the sacrament of baptism.
  • Familiar trip

    Familiar trip
    When I turned eight, my family organized an outing to melgar. On this trip we had a lot of fun with my sisters and my brother.
  • my fifth year degree

     my fifth year degree
    the day arrived that we were all waiting for since we had fulfilled one of the dreams that we had, to see our popes proud of us
  • my first day in the baccalaureate

    my first day in the baccalaureate
    my first day in the sixth grade was very nice because I met too many people and also knew new things since the place was a bit bigger and there were guys from higher levels who could learn many things from them.
  • my 15 years

     my 15 years
    Every girl waits with anelo the day of her 15 years since it changes your life completely and you will not be a girl you will be a woman who can make your own decisions and be a very responsible woman giving her parents and yourself an unconditional trust.
  • 10th grade

    10th grade
    Throughout the years I was adactandome to new things and to the new people of that school that was a bit new for me since there were new people who were a great support for me both academically and personally, as teachers and companions.
  • living together with my group of 10 years

     living together with my group of 10 years
    we managed to have a group life with all my classmates in the classroom. It was the first time we could share something different than outside the school. We learned to understand our differences and be able to respect the opinion of more people, it was something too cool since he joined us as friends.
  • my 11th grade

    my 11th grade
    clear at last the degree that you since childhood expected it with many happiness since in grade eleven you have been able to accomplish many of the things that anelavas do and now you think about what time I left the dolls for the makeup all tied up so much that we can say achieve it I wanted my parents to feel one more proud of me and to prove to myself that goals and dreams can be achieved no matter how hard the road is. and with a smile I can say that I have many goals to fulfill.