Attila bitch

Attila the Hun

  • 406

    Attila is born

    Attila was born to his father, King Mundzuk, king of the huns. He was born in an area between the Ural mountains, and the Rhone River. His mother wasnt of much significance, other than being the mother of the kings son. (Harevy 9)
  • Period: 406 to 453

    Attila the Huns Life

    A timeline of Attila the Huns life.
  • 407

    Rome withdraws from Britain

    Constantine the 3rd moves his military units from Britain to Gaul, Occupying Arles. It wasnt not officail, but this move is generally seen as Romes withdrawel from Britain, leaving them completely within a few years.
  • 411

    First Independant Christian Kingdom in Western Europe founded

    The Christian Kingdom was established by the Seubi. It was the first official kingdom in Western Europe. It was in the city Gallaecia.
  • 417

    Attilas father, the king, dies.

    The camp that Attilas group of huns and the king, Mundzuk, Attilas father, was raided by Roman soldiers. The roman soldiers killed Attilas father, king Mundzuk. The huns were now left kingless for the moment. (Harevy 11)
  • 417

    Attila is sent to Rome

    Attila was sent to Rome, as part of a hostage-treaty agreement. He was sent to the Roman Court of Emporer Honorius. The location was in Ravenna, Italy. He would end up spending his teenage years there. (Harevy 12)
  • 425

    University of Constantinople is founded

    In Constantinople a university was founded. It was so that Roman scholars could further their education. It was the first legitimate university founded in a roman city.
  • 433

    Attilas uncle, King Rugila dies

    After Attilas father had died, Attilas uncle became king. In the year 433, King Rugila died. After Rugila's death, it left power to Attila and his brother to become joint rulers. (Harvey 18)
  • 440

    Anglo-Saxons settle in Britain

    It is believed that sometime after 440, the Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain. It is also believed, that they were invited by Vortigern. Vortigern was a British warlord.
  • 443

    Bleda Dies

    In 443, Bleda, Attilas brother and fellow ruler, died. It is believed that he died in battle. When Bleda had died, it left Attila the soul ruler of the Huns, all the power then becoming his. (Harvey 23)
  • 445

    Attilas height of power is reached

    Attila was at his peak of power from 445 to 450. He ruled the largest ammount of land, had the most accomplished militry career, and at this time he had his largest army. The ammount of land he ruled was the largest of any previous Hun ruler. (Harvey 50)
  • 450

    Attila gets married to Honoria

    Attila misinterrperated a message sent to him by a roman woamn, and thought she wanted to marry him. He had her retrieved, and married her. The woman was a Roman citizen, named Honoria. Honoria was the current Roman emporers sister. (Harevy 54)
  • 451

    Attila is defeated at the Battle of Chalons

    Attila and his army took part in a battle near the city of Chalons. The forces met there were the roman army led by Aetius, and the Visigoth army led by King Theodoric and his son Thorismond, Attila was badly defeated..and had to retreat back to Rhine and regroup his forces. (Harevy 69)
  • 452

    Invasion of Northern Italy begins

    Attila attacks Northern Italy with full force. His wife helped persuede him to launch the attack. He had just come off of a fewe battle victorys, and was feeling confident. The campaign was a complete success. (Harvey 56)
  • 453

    Attila Dies

    Attila dies becuase of a bursted artery. When his artery burst, he suffocated on his own blood. He had been married again, just the night before, and after celebrating the great event, he went to bed. It turned out to be his last rest. (Harvey 80)
  • Vandals conquer Carthage

    The Vandal army which was a force to be reckoned with, conquered the city of Carthage. This was a significant event because it meant that a large city now fell to an entire new civilization.
  • Ilopango volcano erupts

    The volcano Ilopango erupts. It then devasted many Mayan cities. The areas that were effected were in present day El-Salvador.