APWH Post-Classical Era Timeline

  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1000


    Throughout the Post-Classical era, religion influenced political structure in the Europe-region while in Asia and the Middle East, belief systems came into sockieties and brought people together.
  • Jan 1, 610

    The prophecy of Allah

    The prophecy of Allah
    Muhammad saw a vision of Allah in a cave and began the spead of Islam. This is the basis of the beginnings of Islam, and Muhammad became the "Last Prophet". Islam is based mainly on Muhammad's teachings and sharings.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Muhammad goes on the Hajj

    Muhammad goes on the Hajj
    Muhammad goes on the very first pilgramage to Mecca, setting a tradition that Muslims would follow until present day. Mecca was conquered by Muhammad and his followers in 630 and the first pilgrimage ocurred in 632.
  • Jan 1, 650

    Writing of the Qur'an

    Writing of the Qur'an
    In 650, early followers Islam decided to write the teachings of Muhammad and sharings of his faith. This writing, known as the Qur'an, served as the basis of Islamic faith for centuries to come, even to present day.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Shia muslims split away

    Shia muslims split away
    The caliph Ali is assassinated, and the caliph line returns to Abu Bakr. However, Shia muslims disagree so much with this, that they split away from Sunni muslims.
  • Jan 1, 710

    Buddhism moves to Japan

    Buddhism moves to Japan
    Japanese scholars in China bring back Buddhism into Japan. Zen Buddhism greatly influenced the lifestyles of Japanese people, but Shintoism continued to be a large part in traditional life.
  • Oct 5, 711

    Arabic warriors conquer Sind

    Arabic warriors conquer Sind
    The conquer of Sind by Arabic warriors opened the door for the migration of Islam into India. The area is so important for Indian land trade that arabic merchants and missionaries had easy access to Indian traditions.
  • Jan 1, 772

    Charlemagne leads a conquest against the Saxons

    Charlemagne leads a conquest against  the Saxons
    Charlemagne, the christian emperor of Western Europe, led a campaign against the people in Saxony. Because they won the conflict, Saoxons were forced to convert to christianity and christianity spread.
  • Clovis 1 converts to christianity

    Clovis 1 converts to christianity
    With the conversion of the Frankish king to christianity, The Western Roman Empire had a religious power. The campaigns of the Franks against their neighbors and other groups around the area unified the entire region under one religion.
  • Xuanzhang makes his trip to India

    Xuanzhang makes his trip to India
    Xuanzhang's trip to India brought back important texts of Buddhist traditions and beliefs to Tang China. This not only came during a time of no in/no out in China. Thie brought a new perspective of Indian Buddhism to China.
  • Charlemagne crowned emperor by pope

    Charlemagne crowned emperor by pope
    Charlemagne is officially crowned emperor by pope Leo 3. Not only does this mean that Charlemagne becomes official emperor and holding the title of "emperor", this shows the power of the pope over the emperor. This displays that the emperor is underneath the church.