AP World History Final Exam Timeline

  • Period: 618 to 1268

    Tang and Sing Dynasty

    The Tang dynasty lasted from 618 to 907 AD. The Tang dynasty revived Confucianism, the civil service exam, and Chinese culture. The Song Dynasty was from 900- 1268. The Song Dynasty also brought back Confucianism, however, it was met with only anger from Buddhists.
  • Period: 700 to 1100

    Feudalism in Europe

    Feudalism is where poor people were protected in exchange for their manual labor. They would be slaves for knight's in order to be safe from harm. Due to the fall of the empire, feudalism really flourished. The decline of feudalism was partly due to diseases and wars.
  • Period: 750 to 1258

    Abbasid Caliphate

    The Abbasid Caliphate was a dynasty where the ruler, the Caliph, was the ruler of the Islamic Empire. The position of Caliph was usually the son of the previous Calih. Al-Musta'sim Billah was the last Caliph before the Abbasid Caliphate was dissolved. He ruled from 1242 - 1258 and was 45 years old when he died. The reason the Abbasid Caliphate ended was because of a few reasons, but the major one was that there were a lot of invasions.
  • Period: 1206 to 1368

    Mongol Empire

    The Mongol Empire was very important because it brought a lot of education. Writing brought by Genghis Khan, is still used by mongolians. The Empire became successful because they perfected the arts of raiding. This made it so they were more skilled than other Empires like China. Kublai Khan was the last ruler of the Mongol Empire and with his death led to the Mongol Empire being separated into four separate Empires.
  • Period: 1210 to 1526

    Delhi Sultanate

    The Delhi Sultanate was the cause of Muslim rule in India. The Delhi sultanates purpose was to spread the Islamic world. Qutb-ud-din Aibak wanted to spread Islam and thus created the delhi sultanate. The delhi sultanate ended because it was invaded by Turkic ruler Timur.
  • Period: 1235 to

    Mali Empire

    Musa Keita was the first ruler of the Mali Empire from 1214 to 1255. The Mali Empire controlled important trade routes from the Sahara Desert to Europe and the Middle East. The Mali Empire was very important because it had good trade routes. However, once more and more trade routes started to pop up elsewhere, the decline of the Mali empire began. It ended because the ruler Mansa Musa died and no one was influential enough to take his place and to have people listen to them.
  • Period: 1270 to 1368

    Yuan Empire

    The Yuan Dynasty was started due to Kublai Khan. The Yuan Dynasty was the unification of territories, including China. China had been a separate state for over 300 years, but joined the Yuan dynasty when it was created. Toghan Temur was the last ruler of the yuan dynasty when his reign ended because Zhu Yuanzhang, founder of the Ming Dynasty.
  • Period: 1299 to

    Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman Empire was successful because it was very advanced when it came to military and tactics. The Ottoman Empire controlled all trade routes from Europe to India and China. Mehmed VI was the last ruler of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire ended because of poor leadership and the trading of the Americas and India.
  • Period: 1300 to

    European Renaissance

    The European Renaissance was the period of culture, art, politics, and economic rebirth. The Renaissance sparked the rediscovery of philosophy and literature. The Renaissance was influenced because of the Italians. They became interested in Greek and Roman Culture. Printing was invented and with its help, these studies were sent throughout all of Europe.
  • Period: 1342 to 1353

    Bubonic Plague

    The bubonic plague was believed to have been caused by the spreading of bacteria due to fleas. 25 million people died due to the bubonic plague and it stayed for centuries. The plague stopped with the sick staying indoors and not leaving unless absolutely necessary. Some people would even move from densely populated areas to more remote areas so as to not spread it. Symptoms include fever and chills, weakness, abdominal pain and more.
  • Period: 1345 to 1533

    Mesoamerican Empires (Aztec and Inca)

    The Aztec empire began in 1345 and lasted until 1521. The aztecs were known for their agricultural skills and buildings of famous temples and pyramids. The aztec empire fell because they were suffering from smallpox that the Europeans brought over. The Inca empire was from 1400 - 1533. They were known for being amazing engineers because they built roads and bridges across the Andes mountains. The Inca empire fell because of the spanish conquistadors.
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    Zhu Yuanzhang was the first ruler of the Ming dynasty. The Ming dynasty was known for its trade that established cultural ties to the west. The majority of the great wall was built during the Ming Dynasty. A lack in silver, peasant uprisings and attacks from the Machu people was the cause of the fall of the Ming Dynasty.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Atlantic Slave Trade

    The atlantic slave trade was the transportation of African Slaves. They were enslaved to the Americans and were being transported to America. Portugal was the first country to start in the atlantic slave trade, the the other countries of Europe followed after. The atlantic slave trade was abolished in 1807 due to Southern congressmen joining the North in voting to abolish slavery.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Age of Exploration

    The age of exploration was a time when European ships traveled the world in hopes of finding new trading routes. It was one of the most important times in history because a major part of the world was mapped with the exploration. Henry the Navigator was the first person to start the exploration. Oe of the reasons the exploration happened in the first place was for economy, religion, and glory.
  • Period: 1445 to

    Portuguese Trading Post Empire

    The Portuguese Trading Post Empire was meant to control trade routes by forcing trading merchants to pay duties at fortified trading sites. The Post Empire began when Portuguese mariners set up the Trading Post. Vasco da Gama was the person who started the Portuguese Trading Post Empire. The trading post ended up spreading knowledge of Asian waters to other nations.
  • Period: 1492 to

    Spanish Colonial Empire

    The Spanish Colonial Empire began in 1492 and ended in 1976. The empire was dissolved because it was getting to big to control. Spain, who owned the empire, was dealing with the post napoleonic war and was too busy and had to dissolve the empire. This empire was very important because Spain owned most of the new world, colonies in Europe, Africa and Oceania.
  • Period: 1517 to

    The Reformation

    The reformation started when Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses. Luther wrote the theses so the church would stop selling indulgences. An indulgence was a piece of paper sold by the church that stated any one who had one would reduce the punishment of their sins. Luther didn't agree with the church for lying to the public so he wrote the ninety-five theses which led to the start of the reformation.
  • Period: 1526 to

    Mughal Empire

    Babur, a central asian ruler, founded the mughal empire. The empire expanded with the spread of Muslim arts, culture, and faith. Bahadur Shah II was the last ruler of the Mughal Empire. When the last ruler of the empire died, it took fifty years for the emitre empire to completely disintegrate despite it being the largest empire in India.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    The Tokugawa Shogunate was also known as the Edo period. Tokugawa Ieyasu was the first shogunate of the tokugawa family. The shogunate defined japanese history by centralizing power and uniting it's people. The tokugawa shogunate started to fall when was overthrown by supporters of the imperial court in the meiji restoration.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    The Qing Dynasty was located in China and was founded by Nurhaci. The Qing Dynasty was created to designate their regime in Manchuria. The Qing Dynasty was very successful because they conquered the Eastern and Western Mongols. Corruption, peasant unrest, ruler incompetence, and population growth which led to food shortages and regular famine all lead to the downfall of the Qing Dynasty.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    The industrial revolution was the introduction of new technology to Europe and the United states. Europe imperialism, effects of the agricultural revolution and capitalism were effects that started the Industrial revolution. The growth in population helped with the spread of the Industrial revolution throughout Europe. Social impacts due to the industrial revolution was social classes and population increases.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes and several others were the cause of the enlightenment. The enlightenment started because of the thirty year war. The enlightenment influenced the world due to modern schooling and medicine. It also established science as a source of knowledge, and defend human rights against tyranny.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The American Revolution started with the exchanging of gunfire at Lexington and Concord with the "Shot Heard Around The World." It was between the british soldiers, the lobsterbacks, and the people of Lexington and Concord. The American revolution was so important because it was the first time the american were fighting british rule. It ended with the british being surrounded and forced to surrender. The treaty of Paris made America being independent official.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution started when revolutionaries stormed a prison called the Bastille. Jacques Pierre Brissot and Maximilien Robespierre were the leaders of the French Revolution. The monarchy's severe debt problems, high taxes, poor harvests, are all examples of why the French revolution started. The Revolution ended when Napoleon overthrew the revolutionary government.
  • Period: to

    Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution started because of the struggle of the slaves in the French Colony. Toussaint-Louverture was the man who started the Haitian revolution in hopes of freedom for slaves. It was the largest and most successful revolution in the western hemisphere. The Haitian Revolution ended when Haitians prevailed over the French. The Haitian Revolution caused for Napoleon attempts to create a french empire to end and for France to sell it's land in America.
  • Period: to

    Opium Wars

    The opium wars were two wars waged against the Qing and Britain. The first Opium war was about military engagements. The first war ended with the Treaty of Nanking. The second opium war was about putting the British and French empire against the Qing dynasty. This led to the treaty of Tientsin which ended the second opium war.
  • Period: to

    Tanzimat Reforms

    Sultans Abdülmecid I was the person who started the Tanzimat Reforms. The Tanzimat Reforms was about restoring the Ottoman Empires education system. The Reforms were about creating social equality for Ottoman citizens but it failed. Although the Tanzimat Reform was created to help the Ottoman Empire it didn't stop the Ottomans decline.
  • Period: to

    Taiping Rebellion

    Hong Xiuquan led the taiping rebellion against the Qing dynasty. Class differences, and radical change in social and economic structure were the causes of the taiping rebellion. The taiping rebellion failed and led to the death of twenty million people. The rebellion ended when the Qing dynasty armies defeated the rebellion's army.
  • Period: to

    Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny began when British insensitivity was growing among the Indian Sepoys. The Sepoy Mutiny with the change in firearms. Soldiers had to tear open paper with their teeth in order to load the rifles. Almost 800,00 Indians died in the sepoy mutiny. The sepoy mutiny ended with Britain taking over India from the East India Company.
  • Period: to

    Meiji Revolution

    The emperor Meiji started the Meiji Restoration. Flexible political structure was the cause of the Meiji Restoration lasting as long as it did. Internal problems in Japan led to the country being difficult to control. The death of emperor Meiji led to the end of the Meiji restoration.
  • Period: to

    Scramble for Africa

    The scramble for Africa was the invasion, occupation, colonization and annexation of African territory. The European countries invaded Africa and staked their own claim on different parts of Africa. An economic depression was occuring in Europe so the Europeans went to Africa in hopes of finding new resources. Britain, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, and Germany all participated in the scramble for Africa. The scramble for Africa ended with Britain owning most of Africa.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference was created to regulate trade in Africa. Otto von Bismarck, a German chancellor, brought together thirteen representatives from thirteen different countries and came up with the plan to form the Berlin conference. A meeting was called and all European countries put claims on different parts of Africa. The Berlin Conference helped to colonize Africa.