• Birthday

    My mother Susan Bryant gave birth to me and I began my life which is significant because it lead to all the things I would do in my future.
  • First day of Kindergarten

    First day of Kindergarten
    This was important because it was when I first learned the value of education and it started my journey at Waterford Village the school that I would go to for the next 3 years.
  • I started AWANAs

    I started AWANAs
    AWANAs(approved workmen are not ashamed) was a study in my church that would study the Bible. It was essentially school but for the Bible. This was key for my spiritual growth.
  • My first crush tells politely tells me she does not want to be my friend :(

    This hurt but taught me that I should not worry about girls and relationships like that until I am older which I have followed by to this day
  • When I got blaster

    When I got blaster
    Blaster was my first dog. Blaster and me had a special connection sense I grew up with him and he was young when we got him and so was I, we grew together. I learned responsibility and loyalty from him. Skills I still use to this day.
  • I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior

  • I start at the starlight

    I gained new friends and learned that I had a talent for acting something I had been given from God but never used in public before.
  • Waterford Montessori Academy Opens

    Waterford Montessori Academy Opens
    Waterford Montessori Academy is a charter school that I went to from 3rd grade to 8th grade. I changed schools from Waterford village to go to the Montessori. I was part of their first graduating middle school grade. This was a significant event because it would shape my education for the next 5 years.
  • I get Baptized

  • Getting the Timothy award

    Getting the Timothy award
    The Timothy award was a goal I had had when I started AWANAs and is the greatest award that could be achieved. I had worked for 6 years to get the Timothy award. Getting it was bitter sweet as it marked an end to AWANAs But the beginning of a new adventure. Also it marked a certain point in spiritual maturity.
  • I start to doubt Gods existence

  • We move from one house to another

    I didn’t want to move and hated it but eventually learned that is was for the best
  • I started to research more about God and wanted to find out if he was real

  • Beast in Beauty and the Beast

    Beast in Beauty and the Beast
    This was a significant event in my life because when I got this role, I had only gotten smaller roles up until this point. Having gotten a role like this I was inspired to get future big roles and the experience gave me the a ability to do so. This lead me to love acting and taking part in over 20 shows(I eventually came to love the villain).
  • Blaster dies

    Blaster dies
    This was the first time in my life that I experienced the lose of someone close to me. He had been dying gradually from kidney failure and cancer. His sickness got to the point that we had to put him down, after this I learned what loss is like and learned how to handle it.
  • I graduated from WMA

    I graduated from WMA
    Graduating from WMA was very important in my life sense I had become like family with my fellow students. I had known them for years in incredibly small grades such as we only had 13 8th graders our last year. I didn’t want to move schools and fought with my parents about going to OCS and learned that I needed to be more open to change. I loved that school and still miss it but it marked the end of one adventure and the start of the next. I learned that time goes on and so must we.
  • COVID-19 closes schools

    COVID-19 closes schools
    This was a major event for me because it showed me how I could be affected by national events in a large way even if they seem states or countries away. I didn’t know that I would be affected by it in the slightest when I saw it on the news. How the experience showed me how connected our world truly is a key part in opening my eyes to the truth about my life.