AP World History - Chapter 14 (Stearns chapter 12)

  • 1150

    Fall of Tula, disintegration of Toltec Empire

    In 1150, the Toltec empire fell into a dramatic decline, and no longer dominated Mesoamérica.
  • Period: 1200 to 1500

    Mississippian culture flourishes

    The Mississippian Culture flourished because it was the first large scale civilization in North America. It emerged between the 700s and 1500s C.E. (What is now Eastern United States.
  • 1325

    Aztecs established in Central Mexico; Tenochtitlán founded.

    The Aztecs (also known as Mexicans) took over the Totec legacy, but originated from a different part of Mexico. The capital was Tenochtitlán (now Mexico CIty). Over 100 years they conquered surrounding people and made a vast empire.
  • 1350

    Incas established in Cuzco area

    In early 15th century, Cuzco (now Peru), was one of several competing tribes. In 55 years, Cuzco becomes capital of the the Inca Empire. It extended from Ecuador to Chile.
  • Period: 1434 to 1471

    Great Expansion under Inca Pachacuti

    Pachacuti’s military wins turned the Incan state into a “full-fledged empire.” Then, his son, Yupanqui took control in 1471, and expanded the empire more, by conquering the state of Chimu in the north.
  • 1438

    Incas dominate Cuzco and southern highlands

    In 1438, the son of a tribal ruler (he called himself Pachacuti), conquered the Chanca peoples.
  • Period: 1440 to 1469

    Reign of Moctezuma I

    Moctezuma I contributed a significant amount to the Aztec empire that flourished until the Spanish arrived. He had ruled over a period of peace.
  • Period: 1471 to 1493

    Inca Topac Yupanqui increases areas under control

    Yupanqui ruled fro from 1471-1493 and in that time period he expanded the empire by conquering the states of Chimu in the north.
  • Period: 1493 to 1527

    Huayna Capac expands into Ecuador; his death results in civil war

    The Incan empire was in a civil war because of succession after Huyana Capac (the emperor) died. Some believe the civil war weakened the the Incan army making it easier to be conquered by Francisco Pizarro (Spanish conquistador). Other believe that factors like disease (from the Europeans), was what caused the decline of the empire.
  • Period: 1502 to 1520

    Reign of Moctezuma II

    Moctezuma II was the 9th emperor of the Aztecs, He was a successful ruler and generals before becoming emperor. He is famous for the confrontation with the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés.