Anna Garcia- Digital evidence timeline

  • Before her death...

    Before her death...
    5 days before Anna Garcia's case was reported, she had received news that she had been selected to earn a scholarship that both she and Domonique Hall wanted.
  • Before her death...

    Before her death...
    3 days before her death, Anna Garcia was seen in the lab with Taylor Diaz and Eric piedmont. We were able to tell from her social media that she spent a lot of time in the lab.
  • Before her death...

    Before her death...
    2 days before Anna Garcia's death, she had planned to meet with her professor, Dr. Elise Opal, the following day at 10:00 AM.
  • Before her death...

    Before her death...
    About 2 days before her death, 42 hours before, she met up with Taylor Diaz and Eric Piedmont.
  • Before her death...

    Before her death...
    2 days before Anna Garcia's death, she talked to Dominique Hall, she congratulated Anna on getting the scholarship, but she seemed a little jealous. The next day they met up and worked/ studied together in the lab.
  • Before her death...

    Before her death...
    The day before her death, she played soccer with Sam Greene and got a huge bump/ bruise on her face.
  • Before her death...

    Before her death...
    The day before her death, she had taken migraine medication for the bruise on her face
  • Before her death...

    Before her death...
    The last thing she posted before her death was 14 hours ago, she was working in the lab.
  • Before her death...

    Before her death...
    The morning of her death, Eric Piedmont had tried to text her and apologize for getting mad at her during lunch from the day before.
  • Anna Garcia's death is reported

    Anna Garcia's death is reported
    At 10:00 AM, Taylor Diaz placed a call to 911 after finding the 20-year-old's lifeless body in the lab. The operator notified the police, they arrived at the scene and began securing it by 10:10 AM. Investigators used all of the seven S's of crime scene investigation within the first couple of days. The pieces of evidence found at the scene include the body, hair, blood, a note, her phone, an overturned flask, and blowflies.
  • The suspects

    The suspects
    Investigators have gathered up all the suspects, they are Taylor Diaz, Eric piedmont, Domonique Hall, Dr. Elise Opal, and Sam Greene.
  • The suspects

    Each of the suspects took a polygraph test, but some failed. During Eric's polygraph he lied about the questions were you and Anna getting along (response: yes), and did you kill Anna Garcia (response: no). During Domonique's polygraph she lied about the question did you and Anna get along (response: yes). During Taylor's polygraph he lied about the questions did you and Anna get along (response: yes), and are you friends with Anna Garcia (response: yes). The rest of the suspects told the truth.
  • The traces we leave behind

    The traces we leave behind
    Using the hair sample we found at the scene, we would be able to find out who it belongs to. We have gathered samples of the suspects' hair and put it under a microscope at 40x and compared them to the sample collected from the crime scene. After taking a second look, I have concluded that the hair at the crime scene belongs to Anna Garcia.
  • The traces we leave behind

    The traces we leave behind
    Second hair sample page
  • The traces we leave behind

    The traces we leave behind
    The next pieces of evidence we should focus on are who wrote the note reading, "see you later ;)," and who last touched the overturned flask. We do this by looking for fingerprints. We compare the pattern in the center of the prints and the minutiae with all suspects'. After comparing the unique patterns and finding similarities between suspects and the crime scene samples, we can conclude that the prints on the flask belonged to Anna, and the person who wrote/ gave her the note was Eric.
  • The traces we leave behind

    The next thing we focused on is, what appears to be, blood at the crime scene, but we cannot be too sure, we need to run tests. The first test we ran was the confirmatory test. We took samples of the blood at the scene, from the corner of the table, and on the floor, and we were able to see that the stuff at the crime scene, was, in fact, blood. See step by step:
  • The traces we leave behind

    The traces we leave behind
    Now that we know it was blood found at the scene, we should find and compare it to the suspects'. We use the AOB typing test. We collected blood samples from the table and floor at the scene, and from each of the suspects. We perform the test and find out that all the blood at the scene was type A blood. We found out all the suspects' blood types as well. The blood at the scene could only belong to Anna Garcia, Eric Piedmont, or Domonique. After gel electrophoresis, we know it belonged to Anna.
  • The traces we leave behind

    The traces we leave behind
    We need to look at the prints at the scene. After observing the pattern of the bloodstain found at the scene, we know that they are droplets, and fell from somewhere. After measuring the diameters of the droplets that fell from a known height, we were able to create a line of best interest and the standard curve. We now know how high Anna Garcia's blood fell from, and it was between 190-280cm and we know the diameters from the estimated heigh.