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My Life, A Composition of Literacy Experiences

  • The day Duy was introduced to the world!

    Without a growing mind nor body, there isn't a place to store the literacy experiences we encounter in our lives.
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    My Life's Literacy Experiences

  • Starting first day of School ever.

    Starting first day of School ever.
    On this day, it became the first day of my educational years. This is when I met a diverse population which soon became to be known as my friends. Which means, this became the year when I was very interested in my new friend's cultures and their traditions as I got to know about them and vice versa, making me understand what diversity is in my writings and in life
  • First time speaking English

    First time speaking English
    On this day as well as around this time, I began to learn the new native language of the U.S., English. In Pre-Kindergarten, I never knew much English but only the simplest one word replies. After this time, my skills began to developed into what is now my most fluent language. The language that made me became literate for the first time.
  • First PC monitor

    First PC monitor
    On this day, my dad bought me a new monitor. At first I didn't know how to use it well due to lack of skills in typing and knowledge in accessing infornational sources and the web. But from that day, I figured out that I can't learn everything as it changes frequently. And I also learned that every little thing can help me with more complex stuff. I understood the importance of there is more to something than it looks and it is up to me to push myself to find out.
  • My first typing lessons in the third grade.

    My first typing lessons in the third grade.
    My first typing program. In third grade, my technology teacher, the first one ever, taught us how to access a program that would teach us how to type correctly. And for days and weeks, we were required to complete certain lessons each day. After about countless lessons, I began to be more accustomed to how my fingers worked as I typed on a monitor's keyboard. It became the first thing I ever learned officially when it came to being a computer literate.
  • My first vacation trip back to the motherland

    My first vacation trip back to the motherland
    This was the summer where I was able to finally travel back to my home country. It was a chance for me to experience new things as well as learn about the customs and traditions I never knew much about of my homeland. I was only one when I arrived in the U.S. This trip paved a way of understanding the people of Vietnam and how their lives differ from ours.
  • Learning Microsoft Office

    Learning Microsoft Office
    This year was known as the year I became very used and accustomed to making documents, spreadsheets, and graphs using Microsoft Office. With the help of my typing lessons and my reading the instructions of working these programs, I carried this computer literacy knowledge with me throughout my years of learning and all the way until now.
  • Youtube

    When this day came, I was one of the firsts to know about Youtube. It became a place where not only did I post videos and participated in some of them, but also received comments that allowed me to connect and talk with others and their opinions. Using the communication on this site, I was able to talk to others across the world.
  • Myspace was my first place.

    Myspace was my first place.
    Myspace link My first ever online interaction with social media. I was able to experience what it was like to share pictures and express my personality using the music playlist I set to the background as well as my theme I set. This social media site had pave a way for me to become accustomed to a new social media website which is now known as Facebook.
  • My first cell phone

    My first cell phone
    I got my first cell phone on this day. It became a day where I was very curious of this device. I didn't know its full capabilities but I drove forward to find out. As a result, not only did it allow me to make calls and texts for emergencies or any other social reasons, it opened a path to the digital world where I was able to connect with others portably.
  • Multicutural fair

    Multicutural fair
    In the fifth grade, my elementary school had a big multicultural fair where we would go around and talk with new people. On that day I was able to study more cultures and lifestyles of the diverse classmates in my school. I was also able to share with them the customs of my cultures and language. My mind was able to expand in knowledge from receiving new information of the communities in the world around me.
  • Facebook

    This was the day I had joined Facebook. After myspace had new competitions with Facebook, I decided to check out this social media network for the first time. Joining Facebook made me like this website more. The reason being is that I was able to share more photos and new posts everyone had to share about. Sometimes I made new friends and connected with a lot of people I never knew over this site,
  • Multicultural tour

    Multicultural tour
    My school decided to have a mulitculture tour throughout the whole school. Each class would be assigned a different country and had to study about it and present to others coming to visit the classrooms. As I went around, I learned much more than I thought I would have. I was exposed to new beliefs and new ideas that each country had to present. This made me understand through not only one perspective but also everyone elses.
  • My first laptop ever.

    My first laptop ever.
    Link to my Toshiba laptop review On this day, I was able to have my first hands-on access to a new laptop. Instead of using the outdated PC monitor from my childhood, I upgraded to a new Toshiba laptop, which came with a new manual and some new features I have never seen. Using my knowledge I've learned from my technology classes and my experiences, I was able to use my laptop as if I've been using it my whole life. Everywhere I go, my laptop made it possible for me to continue learning about the diverse world we live in.
  • Learning new programs and its functions

    Learning new programs and its functions
    Learning new programs for a computer or any electronic isn't always easy. It isn't always fun either as you have to read more and understand what is right and what could be dangerous for this situation, There are endless things to learn about the computerized world. Therefore knowing that it drives me to want to learn more and better myself.
  • New to SnapChat

    New to SnapChat
    This new social application released on smartphones only became a new place for me to stay connected with my friends and show them how I live life everyday. It is a also an app that lets me see what others around the world are doing at the same time too. Sharing photos and snapshots of wherever I go and as well as what I do allows me to connect to others around me digitally.
  • Making the timeline

    Making the timeline
    On the seventeenth, this website was another thing that I learned how to use which allowed me to make this timeline project. Which means that so far, my knowledge has expanded to a point where I am able to learn any website or program fast and make the best of it, which makes me one of many computer literates.