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Andrew's Life

  • Birth

    I popped right outta my mom.This is the single most important event of my life. Without it I would never exist
  • Period: to

    my life

    I was born. I'm still alive
  • Divorce

    My mom and pops divorced. Split right up. Dun.
  • Miami

    I lived in Miami for a little while. It was pretty bad. We had urine and poop in our elevators and stairways and shopping carts in our pools.
  • Brentwood

    I moved to Brentwood CA after living in Miami FL. It was much better. I lived with my grandpa while I was there he molested me; i had to leave.
  • Now

    Now I've been living here in Arkadelphia for almost four years. It's alright. Glad I got friends now. that's all for my boring life, it's just a bunch of moving.