
Ancient Rome From The Beginning To The End

By E171
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    Beginning of Rome

    Beginning of Rome
    Rome was the Capital of the Roman Empire. It is located in the middle of the Italian Peninsula. In 509 B.C.E the Romans drove out the Etruscans to set up a new government which they now call a republic. In a republic, officals are chosen by the people. Their were 3 kinds of people: The Patricians, the Plebeians and the Tribunes. Patricians were the members of the land holding class. The plebeians were common people who had little political power. The Tribunes were known as the lower class.
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    The family was the basic unit of Rome's society. The male was incharge of the household and had absolute authority. Woman gained greater freedom and influence over the century. Some woman ran businesses, but most of them worked at home raising their children. Both girls and boys learned how to read and write. Education in Rome was highly valued. Romans built many temples for worshiping. Religious festivals a inspired sense of community.
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    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Pax Romana means Roman Peace. Pax Romana took place from 127 C.E. to 180 C.E. Pax Romana occured when Augustus Ceaser was emperor and lasted until Marcus Aurelius. It stoped when Marcus died which was 180 C.E. Pax Romana came after a confict that happened in Rome.
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    Second Triumvirate

    Second Triumvirate
    The second triumvirate consists of Octavian, Marcus Aurelis, Lepidus, and Mark Antony. Later Octavian became known as Augustus Ceaser. Mark Antony got a girlfriend and ditched Octavian for her. Civil wars broke out between the two of them. Octavian was pronounced the winner. The second triumvirate became the end of the Roman republic.
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    The First Roman Emperor

    The First Roman Emperor
    Augustus Ceaser was the first Roman emperor. During his power Pax Romana occured which means Roman peace. While his rule the empire began to expand. Trade began in and out of the empire. Exports were greater than imports which means they were selling more then buying. The religion they practiced was Politheasit, meaning they believed in more than 1 god. Art and literature florished.
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    The Last of the 5 Good Emperors

    The Last of the 5 Good Emperors
    Marcus Aurelius the last of the "five good emperors"Marcus Aurelius was the last of the 5 good emperors of Rome. He ruled from 161 C.E. to 180 C.E. Marcus made everyone in Rome use the same currency. He was a very active leader. He spent most of the time putting down rebellions and fighting off invasion. Marcus chose his son Commodus to follow him as the emperor of Rome.
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    After the Rain of Commodus

    After the Rain of Commodus
    Constantine ruled from 306 C.E. to 337 C.E. After Constantine died invaders attacked the empire. Their first attack was by the Germanic tribes which the Romans called them Barbarians. In 400 C.E. Rome was weak in politics, enconomy, military and could not hold off invaders. In 410 C.E. Visigoths captured and looted Rome. In 455 C.E. Vandels left Rome powerless. In 476 C.E. Ostrogoths led final collaspe. After Rome fell, East part stayed strong and Constantinople became the capital of Byzantine.
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    Diocletian came in after Commodus to try to help Rome. He thought it would survive longer if it was split into 2 parts. He named them the East and the West. Diocletian ruled the East side because of it was the wealthier of the two parts. Maximian was the ruler of the West. In total for both the East and West they had 4 people running the government. Four people running the government is called Tetrarchy. Diocletian gave up power in 305 C.E.
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    Justinian was the emperor from 527 C.E. and ruled until 565 C.E. Between the 530's and 540's Justinian tried to conquer all the lands Rome had lost to the Barbarians which he successfully did. Justinian reformed the law which was called the "Justinian Code." His code became the basis for Byzantine law for the next 900 years. Justinian built the Hagia Sophia. He killed 300,000 people because they all went against him. He married Theodore who was known as his "backbone."
  • The Decline Starts

    The Decline Starts
    Acient Rome the Rise and Fall of An Empire - Constantine 5Commodus was the start of the Roman Decline. His rule took place from 180 C.E. to 192 C.E. He was more interested in entertaining than government. Allowed others to help him run empire. When he was in government they were buying more than selling which made them weaker in currency. When government ran short on money he ordered death of wealthy cousins. Commodus was assassinated on December 31 192 C.E.