Ancient rome map

Ancient Rome

By B103
  • Sep 25, 1000

    The Roman Republic - 509 B.C.E

    The Roman Republic - 509 B.C.E
    During this time of 508 B.C.E. the Romas kicked out the Etruscans and set of a new government. They called the government the Republic. The officals were chosen by the people in the area.
  • Sep 25, 1000

    Patrcians- 509 B.C.E

    Patrcians- 509 B.C.E
    At the same time of the Roman Republic there were two different groups of people. One group were the Patricians and the other group was the Plebeians. The Patricians were the more wealthy class. The Patricains also controlled the government, army, and the religion.
  • Sep 25, 1000

    Plebeians- 509 B.C.E

    Plebeians- 509 B.C.E
    The Plebains were also part of the government. The Plebians did not have many rights. They were either freed slaves, peasents, farmers, dependents of Partricians, or commoners. The Plebians were unable to vote.
  • Period: Sep 28, 1000 to

    Rome before and after

  • Sep 25, 1100

    Decline of the Roman Republic - 133 B.C.E

    Decline of the Roman Republic - 133 B.C.E
    During the decline of the Roman Republic many things happened. One was the conquer of people to be slaved. No longer in need of small farmers to produce. Wealth increased curruption. The civil wars started in search of the next new ruler.
  • Mar 15, 1200

    Ides of March - March,15,44 B.C.E

    Ides of March - March,15,44 B.C.E
    The day of Ides of March was the day that Julius Ceasar was assassinated. Assassinated by his closest friend, by being stabbed to dealth. Then the Civil War started again to figure out who would be the next ruler.
  • Sep 25, 1200

    Republic to Empire - 49 B.C.E

    Republic to Empire - 49 B.C.E
    Julius Ceasar had absolute power and had forced the senate to make him dictator. He was always wanting more power. Roman Empire
  • Sep 25, 1200

    Octavian and Mark Antony - 44 B.C.E

    Octavian and Mark Antony - 44 B.C.E
    Octavian and Mark Antony are the two rulers of Rome. Mark Antonys girlfriend named cleapatra was the queen. Octavian did not like the idea of her being queen so he made a war to fight Mark Antony. Then Octavian came back from war and told Cleapatra that Mark Antony died. Cleapatra then put her hand into a basket of snakes and killed herself. Mark Antony was not died it was a lie. Mark Antony found Cleapatra died and then killed himself.
  • Sep 25, 1300

    Pax Romana - 27 B.C.E - 180 C.E

    Pax Romana - 27 B.C.E - 180 C.E
    The Pax Romana was the time of peace. Pax Romana needed to have a strong government, army, trade, economy, and a clear set of laws and rules to keep the empire together.
  • Sep 25, 1300

    Roman Law - 450 B.C.E

    Roman Law - 450 B.C.E
    Roman laws were made called the twelve tables. These twelve tables were posted in the center of the city so everyone could see them. An example of one of these laws was that in acciused person was to be presumed innocent until proven gulity.The accused was also permitted to face the accuser.The accused guilt then had to be established through evidence. Judges were expected to interpret the laws and make fair decisions. The Roman laws lasted 700 years.
  • Sep 25, 1400

    50 years of Decline - 476 C.E

    50 years of Decline - 476 C.E
    The time of the fall. The problems that brought the fall were a weak currupt government, weak army, and serious economic problems arose.
  • Sep 25, 1500

    Fall of Rome - 476 C.E

    Fall of Rome - 476 C.E
    Fall of Rome This video explains the fall of Rome.