Timeline Media

  • Alphabet Chart ( 3 yrs old )

    Alphabet Chart ( 3 yrs old )
    I was exposed to this when my neighbors taught me to know this, it helps me to be easily familiarize to the things in my environment
  • Book ( 5 yrs old )

    Book ( 5 yrs old )
    I was exposed to this when I start schooling, it helps me to read and knowing any kinds of words
  • Comics ( 8 yrs old )

    Comics ( 8 yrs old )
    I was exposed to this when I see most of my classmates reading it, it helps me to follow story beginnings and endings, plot, characters, time and setting, sequencing without needing sophisticated word decoding skills.
  • Computer ( 10 yrs old )

    Computer ( 10 yrs old )
    I was exposed to this when I see my cousin playing games on it, it helps to gathered information when I have assignments
  • Social Medias like FB ( 13 yrs old )

    Social Medias like FB ( 13 yrs old )
    I was exposed to this when I want to be in trend to, it helps me to communicate to the person I want to talk and asking his\her question
  • Magazine ( 15 yrs old )

    Magazine ( 15 yrs old )
    I was exposed to this when I see my mother using it, it helps me to create environment discovery and to buy and specify products
  • Photoshop ( 18 yrs old )

    Photoshop ( 18 yrs old )
    I was exposed to this when my cousin use it and to edit his classmates pictures, it helps to send my pictures where I am to my friend and so I can show them that good place and promote and go to this place