All About Me...Abbigale Nicole Gross!!!

By ag88425
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    Today I was born...around 1:00 p.m.
  • Period: to

    Important Moments in My Life

  • My First Steps!

    My First Steps!
    Today was my first steps! I started walking in May but then I gave up. Then, I tried again on my birthday (June 9th), because my dad brought home balloons for me, so I ran to see them. But when I fell, I gave up again. Finally, when my family went to visit my aunt in ohio, I was so sick of being in the car then when we got there, I jumped out of the car and started running around, and ever since then I have been walking fine.
  • My First Words!

    My First Words! tell you the truth...I have no clue WHEN I said my first words, but I do know what they were. My first (logical) word was dada. (My mom was SUPER mad) :)
  • My Brother's Birthday

    My Brother's Birthday
    My younger brother, Colin, was born today! You may be wondering why I put my BROTHER'S birthday in MY timeline of MY LIFE, but if I didn't have Colin to mess with every day, my life woud be very boring :D
  • Gymnastics

    Today I started doing gymnastics! I was four years old. After I started, I did gymnastics for about 6 more years!!!! I traveled for competitions, and once I got first place in vault!
  • First day of Pre-K

    First day of Pre-K
    I was soooo excited for the first day of preschool, but whenever the day came, it was horrible. It was raining really hard outside, and the roads were slippery. There was someone speeding, and they wrecked into our car! So...I was late :-(
  • Reading and Writing

    Reading and Writing
    I started to read in kindergarten, but I didn't master it until I was in first grade. I began writing in pre-k or kindergarten, but again,I didn't master it until first or second grade.
  • Riding a Bike

    Riding a Bike
    I started riding a bike with training wheels when I was in kindergarten, but I started to ride a bike without training wheels when I was in first grade.
  • My Dog's Birthday

    My Dog's Birthday
    My dog, Libby, was born today, but we bought her in July. She is a bichon frise. Libby is a big part of my life...she is like the little sister I have always wanted! This picture looks a lot like her when she was a puppy.
  • Moving to HHI

    Moving to HHI
    We began the drive down to Hilton Head today! We moved from a place called Allison Park, in Pennsylvania. Allison Park is a little north of Piitsburgh, so I usually just tell people that I'm from Pittsburgh. I was really scared when we first moved, and I was really upset to leave all of my friends, my school, my house; everthing that I know. But, everything is OK now. I made a lot of friends, my house is decent, and my school is okay.
  • G&T Classes aka Advanced Classes

    G&T Classes aka Advanced Classes
    When I was in first grade, I was separated into a different reading group because we were more advanced. In second grade, we got together once a week in a Gifted and Talented Reading class. We also did this in third grade. In fourth grade, after I moved to HHI, I was in a G&T Reading class and a G&T Math class. I was in these classes in 5th grade too. This year, I am in all advanced classes, and a 7th grade pre-algebra class. I get all A's too. Academics are a big part of my life.
  • Turtles

    Today, my family bought four turtles at Island Republic. Two of them were my brother's and two of them were mine. I named mine Salt and Pepper, and my brother named his Flash and Gordon (like the superhero flash gordon). Flash died about a week after we bought him (RIP, Flash...we miss you!), but Gordon, Salt, and Pepper are still alive and living the dream. (By the way, all of the turtles are girls...I think...well, that's what my bro said.)
  • Soccer

    I started playing soccer when I was about six or seven years old when I lived in Pittsburgh. Then, I stopped, because I was too busy with gymnastics. But when I moved to Hilton Head, I started again because some of my friends did it. I love soccer now, and this season, I play goalie and right forwards.
  • Guinea Pig

    Guinea Pig
    I got my guinea pig today! I got a guinea pig beginners' stuff and a guinea pig handbook for Christmas, then I went to pick her out the day after Christmas. I named her Daisy Sunshine aka Daisy (some of her most famous nicknames are: The Pig, Fattie, Stinky, and Le Poo). She is adorable!!! Her face is white, and her body is a peach color, but she has a white stripe on her back...and she is very chubby. She bites some, but I still love her!!!! (She looks identical to the guinea pig in the pic!)
  • My First Guitar

    My First Guitar
    Today I got my first acoustic guitar! I also had my first guitar lesson today. My guitar was a gift from my parents for my birthday. I already had some experience with instruments though because I played the recorder and cello before.
  • First day of Middle School

    First day of Middle School
    Today was the first day of middle school! At first I was nervous........but then everything worked out and now I'm fine! I am getting good grades, and I am making a lot of new friends.